Monday, January 27, 2014

Avoid snack Gratuitous

Snack or buy processed food in the store or roadside has become a part of the habit of some people . In fact , processed foods are not necessarily healthy and nutritious as needed .

If snacks or processed food is highly nutritious and hygienic , it might not be a problem . But if minimal nutritional snacks , high in fat and sugar or clams dangerous substances , it may create a risk to health .
Especially for women who are preparing for pregnancy , should be avoided indiscriminate habit of eating snacks . This is very important as preparation for pregnancy and childbirth is strongly associated with the intake of nutrients .
" But avoid the habit of eating snacks , especially in women . Foods sold not necessarily have sufficient nutrients the body needs . Remember the adequacy of nutrition in women not only determine his health , but also future generations , " said full-time professor of the Faculty of Public Health , University of Indonesia ( FKM - UI ) , Endang Achadi .

The quality of future generations , said Endang , actually determined long before a pregnant woman . This is done through a woman's daily nutritional intake . Intake was then determines the quality of the womb , the placenta , as well as the establishment of sensitive organs in the fetus .

" A woman knows she is pregnant is usually only when it is too late menstrual schedule 1 week . During the pregnancy has reached the age of 3 weeks , which means that the fetus had entered a period of formation of the sensitive organs such as brain and nerves . This indicates the early formation relies heavily on the intake maternal nutrition everyday . When mothers are not accustomed to eating nutritious intake , the quality is not guaranteed pembentikan organs , " said Endang .

Furthermore Endang explained , fetal organ formation takes place right after conception until 8 weeks of gestation . At this time some terbetuk organ is the brain , heart , liver , bone , and muscle . During organ formation , the fetus is in desperate need of essential nutrients , such as protein and micronutrients such as iron , folic acid , and zinc .

If the fetus were malnourished during the period up to the first 1,000 days of life , then certainly disrupted the formation of organs . As a result, the fetus may have disabilities such as spina bifida .

In spina bifida , the spine does not form properly which indicate the presence of neural tube defects . Neural tube plays an important role determining the coordination of the right and left nerves in the body , which of course affects the IQ and EQ . When the neural tube does not form properly, which formed fetus does not have the IQ and EQ as expected .

According to Endang , custom snack at random in women associated with the lack of knowledge about nutrition and quality of life . A woman tends to be eaten in limited quantities appropriate type and he encountered in everyday life . When women are more often in everyday processed foods meet minimal nutrition , it stands to reason that more frequent intake of fruit and vegetables consumed than . In fact, women are advised to eat a variety of dishes in sufficient quantity , to ensure the intake of nutrients .

" Not to mention the food nutrients to be understood greetings expensive . Fact for animal protein sources should not , it could be vegetable such as tofu , tempeh , and beans . If not afford to buy meat , claw or mother can consume chicken necks as a cheap source of protein , " Endang said .

More specifically Endang addresses the adequacy of iron in the mother . Endang said, now nearly 40 percent of pregnant women in Indonesia have anemia ( lack of blood ) . Anemic mothers at risk of having a baby who also suffer from anemia . Infants who have anemia likely impaired intelligence .

Whereas iron can be obtained from vegetable intake misialnya nuts , red meat or animal example . When should women can also take iron supplements , which baisnaya combined with folic acid . So that anemia can be treated and women become healthier .

In addition to nutrition , Endang also advised women did the other 3 pillars of health . This pillar is a lifestyle practice besih , monitor ideal body weight , and regular physical activity . The four Pilat ensure the physical health of mother and fetus that would contain.

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