Wednesday, March 8, 2017

5 Factors Increase Risk For Pinched Nerve

There are still many people who consider trivial low back pain. Although not always the cause of back pain is the nerve kejepit, still need to find the cause. Because the unresolved back pain can interfere with your quality of life.

Kejepit nerves are part of the lower back pain or low back pain. The pain was sharp, stems in part below the waist and spread to the buttocks crease.

Furthermore, pain radiating into the crease of the knee. In fact, if the condition is severe reflex will weaken and cause paralysis.

Muki doctor Faiz, Sp. OT from Pondok Indah Hospital Group said, another hallmark of the nerve kejepit is back pain that feels increasingly sharp when sitting, bending, coughing, or stretched.

Kejepit nerve caused by pressure on the nerves, especially in the waist or neck. This pressure causes the protrusion of the core of the discussion that cushions the bones that compress the nerve. There are five factors that can cause this to happen:

1. Excess body weight, lifestyle, lazy, little moves and postures ubuh not positioned correctly.

2. Degenerative changes that reduce the strength and stability of the spine, allowing the spinal injury prone. To slow down this degenerative process, multiply the consumption of protein and meet the needs fluids.

3. Mechanical lifting and moving goods that are not true.

4. Movement sudden and powerful, which move in large numbers to force the spine.

5. Sports in a circular motion in the spine seoerti golf, baseball or tennis.

"These risk factors will increase from the age of 33 years. Therefore, before it happens, get used to exercise, keep your ideal weight, keep the bed, and quite drinkable. Less liquid will cause pressure changes in the discus, as a result of mechanical instability, "said Dr. Muki when meeting with the media in Jakarta (7/3).

Muki doctors braced, for sport must be selected according to the anatomy of the body. Track is certainly not an option for people with excess weight, because it can cause injury. Walking and swimming is safe to do.

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