Thursday, March 23, 2017

Open Window Room Can Prevent Diabetes? this explanation

Diet and exercise are efforts to prevent Type 2 diabetes is often recommended by health practitioners. In contrast to the general health practitioner, professor of endocrinology origin Oxford University has a unique additional suggestions for preventing type 2 diabetes, which is open bedroom window.

Endocrinologist Professor of Oxford University, Ashley Grossman, expressed this opinion after Dutch researchers found that air temperatures associated with diabetes. Dilaukan According to a study by Maastricht University Medical Centre, increase in ambient temperature of 1 degree Celsius can cause the appearance of 100 thousand new cases of diabetes in the United States each year.

Increasing the warmer temperatures make the body burn less fat chocolate. Brown fat is the fat that can be converted into energy and body heat. This condition can affect insulin sensitivity and weight gain.

Conversely, lowering the temperature to 15-17 degrees Celsius for several hours per day can be away from the risk of weight gain. The reason, the temperature of the cooler air will push the body to stimulate brown fat. According to the researchers, just by being in a colder environment can increase the body's metabolic rate.

The study, bright Grossman, shows that keep the temperature cool can reduce diabetes and obesity. One of the simplest ways to enable this is by opening the bedroom window at night. Cooler air, although only the lower 2 degrees, rated Grossman effective to cool the body and good for the health benefits.

"There is sufficient evidence to convince that cools the body, although only by a few degrees (lower), can improve or degrade diabetes," explained Grossman as reported by the Telegraph.

Grossman continued, tingal in a cool environment can also be beneficial in improving insulin sensitivity and keep the risk of diabetes. In addition, Grossman also said that adequate sleep can keep the risk of obesity and diabetes.

"Maybe we all need to have a good night's sleep in a cool room with the windows open to the night breeze," says Grossman.

On the other hand, Professor Sir David Spiegelhalter of the University if Cambridge say the temperature may play a role in the onset of type 2 diabetes cases, but not great. The reason, the study indicates that the increase in average air temperature of 2 degrees Celsius 'only' relates to a 0.7 percent incidence of diabetes.

"Related to that, I think this (the air temperature in relation to diabetes) will not be the biggest concern," says Spiegelhalter.

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