Wednesday, March 15, 2017

7 Diet Mistakes that Make Sports So Vain

Nutritious food and drink industry is booming. Television advertisements, magazines, websites loaded with food and drink ad that said "healthy" and helps you "refuel" and rejuvenate the body after activity or exercise.

Typically, the food or the drink recommended to be consumed immediately after activity.

But, says Rob Danoff, DO, a physician in Philadelphia with subspecialty fields of sports medicine, not all sports require the intake of a replacement immediately.

"People ask me, 'Do I have to fill out the" fuel "after a workout?' "Said Danoff.

"My answer is usually no." Especially if you are only engaging in light exercise such as yoga classes mild or sprinting, said Danoff.

If so you wake up immediately exercise, of course you need to have breakfast afterwards. Exercising or not, you still need breakfast.

"But, if you've eaten before or during the last four to six hours, you do not need a replacement food energy if you exercise of mild to moderate intensity."

And if we remember the calories in foods and beverages that sport, you probably sabotaged advantage that you should exercise.

"The food and sports drinks can help if you've done an hour or more strenuous exercise," says Danoff.

But for most of us, one banana and water is sufficient to replace the lost energy, he said.

What else other post-workout mistakes that we usually do?

You crazy about protein

There is a myth that in order to maximize the benefits of exercise, you need as much protein. That is not true.

During the daily diet you've had enough of protein (46 grams for adult women according to the National Academy of Medicine), you do not need to eat a lot of protein after exercise (this is the daily amount is perfect), concludes a study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.

You drink alcohol

Drink a few glasses of wine after a workout will disrupt the ability of muscles to effectively recover and build back condition, bergitulah according to a study published in the journal PLOS One.

However, if only drank one glass of wine or beer probably will not cause problems, said the researchers.

You eat too much

Many of us say to ourselves that, because we exercise, we can eat whatever we want.

This mindset should be stopped, says dietitian Jenna Braddock, RDN. Many peneletian show, what you eat is more influential than the waist circumference to the sport.

Not why occasionally eat more than usual, just do not jadikannitu as a habit.

You still afraid of carbohydrates after an intense workout

After an hour or so practicing high intensity, muscle glycogen need to bounce back and grow stronger, said Nancy Cohen, PhD, a professor of nutrition at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

Healthy carbohydrates such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds-are the best source of glycogen.

Cohen said, you need to consume about one gram of healthy carbs per kilogram of weight within 60 minutes after exercise.

You do not drink enough water

Many runners underestimate the amount of water they need to drink instead of sweating out by only meet about 50 percent, according to a study in the International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism.

In fact, a light workout that only spend a little sweat can cause mild dehydration. Weigh yourself before and after exercise, Cohen suggestions.

For every gram of weight loss, you need to drink the same amount.

Not having a plan

If you have been training hard enough, you will feel hunger seriously. And it is the worst time to make decisions about food.

Our brains crave foods high in calories and rich in energy when hungry, says research from Cornell University.

The thrust of the brain that can cause us to choose foods that are not healthy. The Cornell team discovered that a hungry buyer will buy 46 percent more high-calorie food items than buyers who are less hungry. Hungry buyers also tend to buy more unhealthy food.

Better make a plan before you exercise, what snack you consume post-workout or eat before you start a training session.

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