Sunday, March 12, 2017

Omega 3 Helps Counteract Adverse Effects Of Air Pollution

Rated air pollution particles can penetrate the lung, including the brain and testes. This could potentially cause damage to health in the future.

A new study conducted on mice showed that omega-3 fatty acids (OFAs) found in fish oil, can prevent and treat inflammation and oxidative stress caused by air pollution.

OFAs can reduce harmful air pollution by 30-50%, said researchers.

According to the World Health Organization, air pollution worldwide has increased at an alarming level, with almost all the cities in these countries have poor air quality.

Poor air quality has long been associated with lung disease, heart disease and stroke. However, researchers now found a link to mental problems such as dementia, mental illness and reduce intelligence, including diabetes, kidney disease and premature birth.

Dr. Jing Kang, at Massachusetts General Hospital, part of Harvard Medical School in the United States, who led the research, said, "The pathological changes are very important because it is a fundamental mechanism of common chronic diseases that we have today."

"We were able to anticipate the same thing [happens in mice] will happen in humans, as many other inflammatory diseases in humans that can be treated with OFAs. We are sure OFAs can make changes very good health, "he added.

The research team recommends taking OFAs to fight air pollution problems. OFAs not like drugs, but have nutrients with so many benefits.

Kang said, 2-4 grams per day is appropriate dosage for humans. A trial in humans in 2012 was also mentioned that, OFAs offers protection against the adverse effects of air pollution and the US Environmental Protection Agency has now started a larger trial.

Two to four grams OFAs itself is roughly equivalent to two servings or 85 grams of fatty fish such as salmon every day.

But to protect children and pregnant women of the risks of mercury and other pollutants in fish, fish consumption is quite 3 servings a week, along with supplements that have been recommended doctor.

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