Monday, May 12, 2014

Hypertension also occurred in the Lungs

When you hear the word hypertension , people will think about high blood pressure which increases the risk of heart disease . However , it turns out hypertension can also occur in a specific organ , namely the lungs , which can be fatal impact .

Specialist heart and blood vessels from Harapan Kita Heart Hospital , Rina Ariani said , pulmonary hypertension or pulmonary hypertension occurs due to increasing pressure on the lungs .

Blood pressure in the lungs is different from the body's blood pressure . If the blood pressure in the body is normally 120 mmHg for systolic and 80 mmHg for diastolic , a person is said to have hypertension if blood pressure above 140/90 mmHg .

" Meanwhile, the blood pressure of the lungs is only 25/10 mmHg and more than it already is said to pulmonary hypertension , " Rina said in a seminar in commemoration of the pulmonary hypertension in Jakarta , Saturday ( 05/10/2014 ) .

Increased pressure in the lungs , he added , would be disturbing even jeopardize the functioning of this organ . The increase occurs because the onset of narrowing in the blood vessels leading to the lungs . Refinement was then able to be a thwarting the blockage of blood flow to the lungs .

Rina explained , the lung is the organ where the blood actually take in oxygen , which is then again pumped by the heart through the body . However, when blood pressure is too high in the lungs , then the process would be disrupted .

Causes of pulmonary hypertension can be derived from vascular disorders in the lungs or of other disease conditions that ultimately affect the blood pressure to the lungs .

Other diseases include congenital heart defects , lung disease chronic obstruction , and asthma that has been going on for a long time . Pulmonary hypertension is also due to connective tissue disorders , particularly to the lungs .

Although these diseases have serious complications , but the clinical symptoms of the disease are often non-specific , such as shortness of breath on exertion , rapid fatigue , dizziness , fainting , foot swelling , fast heartbeat , and others.

" Often the diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension and other diseases newly diagnosed right when conditions are deteriorating , " said a doctor from the Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine , University of Indonesia 's Faculty of Medicine .

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