Sunday, May 25, 2014

Kitchen materials penghalau Constipation

Often difficult bowel movements can cause discomfort in the abdomen . Although many products on the market circulation laxatives , but in fact we can eliminate this interference with the groceries home .

1 . Sesame seeds
Composition in sesame seed oil will work to moisturize the gastrointestinal tract . This certainly could be launched if the bowel is the main cause of dry feces . Add sesame seeds in cereals or pastries . You can also mix them with coffee grounds . A simple way to overcome constipation with sesame seeds for a long time believed by the Chinese people and the Amish .

2 . Fibers
Fiber works like a pipe cleaner , he would rub food scraps and particles from the digestive tract . In order CHAPTER always smooth , consumption of 20-35 grams of fiber each day . You can get it from nuts , oatmeal , vegetables , and fruits . Do not forget to drink enough water so that the stool softer and easier to pass .

3 . Ginger tea
Combine ginger or mint leaves in a cup of tea. Mint contains menthol which will relax gastrointestinal muscles , while ginger will " warm up " and accelerate the work of the digestive organs . Warm water in the tea will stimulate the intestines .

4 . The healthy fats
Olive oil , nuts and avocados also contain healthy fats . This type of fat helps lubricate the digestive tract .

5 . Water lemon
The citric acid in lemon juice water will stimulate the digestive system and helps remove toxins from the body . Drink water or add lemon every morning in a glass of tea .

6 . Coffee
Coffee will stimulate the colon and speed up heartburn . If you do not like coffee , switch to herbal tea or warm water mixed with lemon juice or honey . The coffee is also a diuretic so you need to drink more water than usual in order to not become severe constipation .

7 . Raisin
Rich in fiber , raisins also contain tartarik acid that has a laxative effect .

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