Thursday, May 8, 2014

More Morning Wake up , Reduce Risk of Heart Attack

Heart attack a scourge because without rapid treatment can be fatal . In addition to a healthy lifestyle , in people who have heart disease risk are advised to get up early to avoid a heart attack .

According to heart specialists Taufik Pohan , getting up early can reduce the risk of heart attack . This is due to a heart attack usually occurs in the morning between the hours of 3-9 am .

" According to the body's circadian rhythm , an early phase of 3-9 hours to start the move , so we should follow the rhythm , instead of still sleeping , " he told the media on Thursday ( 08/05/2014 ) in Jakarta Pondok Indah Hospital .

Circadian rhythms are the body's biological clock is known related to hormonal cycles . Research shows , according to the circadian rhythm of activity has many benefits , including preventing heart attacks .

Taufik explained , at 3-9 o'clock in the morning , a hormone in the body is prepared to undergo the activity that requires the blood flow faster . Meanwhile, if someone is still sleeping at this hour , the blood flow is slow and tends to be more viscous blood .

Finally , there was inequality needs of the body with body condition . It is then that poses a problem , for example, a thick blood could potentially clog blood vessels , causing heart attacks .

 " Unlike when you wake up in the morning , the heart beats faster , blood pressure rises , and blood flow also tends to smooth and prevent blockage , " he said .

On the other hand , because the need to get up early , no need to sleep early. Taufik explained , at 9 pm because the body is supposed to have rested according to the circadian rhythm , the body currently requires a slower blood flow . Moreover bed early to be sufficient for sleep when I had to wake up early .

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