Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Nutrition Myths

Lots of advice on nutrition that comes to you . His advice was all kinds. Sometimes it's hard to keep track of what is good for you and what is not . Well , to help , at least this 3 food myths and the truth behind it .

First Myth : Using a microwave can kill food nutrition
Using the microwave is one of the best ways to keep the goodness in vegetables remain intact . Boil it can dispense valuable vitamins and minerals . While microwaves heat up food without using a lot of water , so the food stays stored nutrients .

Myth two : You should avoid white foods
Nutritionists recommend that we consume brightly colored foods and more diverse . That said , it was good . And it is still true . For example , carrots and strawberries are high in beta - carotene , an important antioxidant that fight inflammation in cells . While the dark green foods are a rich source of antioxidants , fiber , calcium , and vitamins such as C and K.

However , this is only a myth about food . Does not mean that the food color " white " malnourished , you know! In fact , cauliflower , garlic , onions , mushrooms , and potatoes are a good source of fiber , antioxidants , and potassium . If you add a little broccoli and cheese , it can be a satisfying meal for someone trying to lose weight .

Myth three: juice helps you eliminate toxins
Myths about the next meal is when people think juice is a good way to detoxify the body . But it must be remembered , you have to detox organs , namely the liver . It may not be dangerous if not its frequency . However , to lose weight , it's not a good idea because it prevents you from protein and fat , and can lead to muscle loss .

That's 3 food myths and the truth behind it you need to know . No need to be afraid to eat any food . Origin is not excessive , no problem right?

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