Monday, May 5, 2014

Stay Slim Only with Set Meals

Various ways people do to reduce or maintain their weight , such as restricting calories to abstain from certain foods . However , in fact the only set meal times has been able to maintain body weight , even down .
A new finding from Australia revealed that the human stomach knowing the time being . In fact , human digestion has its own circadian rhythms associated with sleep and wakefulness body .
Study author Amanda Page said , while eating the stomach enlarges and activate nerve cells there . Response of nerve cells that depend on the current time . In daylight , the neural response is relatively small so that people can eat more .
" Gastric need more nerve cells filled before there can be a signal to the brain that expressed a sense of fullness in the day . Contrast , in the evening so that the body's nerves more sensitive full faster , " said Page .
These conditions affect the body weight . Disrupt this rhythm is one of the reasons why people are more inclined to eat at night fat faster than people who eat a lot during the day .

In addition to watching the clock dining , there are several things that need to be done anyway related to the circadian rhythm of digestion , among others, as follows .
- Breakfast proteins . Filling breakfast dishes with high-protein foods for example eggs will make people tend to be less hungry in the morning , thereby reducing their likelihood to overeat during the day . So that was revealed by a study from the University of Missouri .
- Lunch before 15:00 hours . A study published in the International Journal of Obesity found that lunch was done before 1500 hrs will help people to lose weight more than those who are accustomed to a late lunch .
- Add more protein . Studies from the University of Mussouri found that eating 160 calorie snack containing 24 grams of protein three hours before meals will reduce hunger thus preventing overeating .
- Stop before satiety . Limiting the window eating a meal with eight hours a day to help in the prevention of obesity and diabetes . That found a study in the journal Cell Metabolism .

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