Monday, May 5, 2014

Iron on Red Meat Trigger Heart Disease

Red meat is a good source of iron . However , researchers found that iron derived from protein sources will actually increase the risk of heart disease . Conversely , if obtained from vegetables , iron will not affect the case.
According to researchers , this study adds evidence of an association of red meat with heart disease risk . Especially if red meat is eaten to excess on a regular basis .
Type of iron from red meat called heme iron . The type of iron is better absorbed by the body than iron from vegetables . This is what causes the red meat is a good source of iron better than vegetables .
Nevertheless, the remarkable ability of iron from red meat ironically could change the system of regulation of iron in the body and cause inflammation and damage to the arteries .
Previously , several studies had shown that too much iron in the blood can lead to heart disease and even cancer . However, most of these studies have not been able to explain the mechanism .
In the new study , researchers from the Indiana University School of Public Health in Bloomington analyzed 21 studies involving nearly 300,000 participants for 10 years . The results of this analysis is unique because it is their first time to determine the impact of heme iron , non - heme , and the total of the person's risk of coronary heart disease .

The study, scheduled to be published in the Journal of Nutrition found that participants who ate a lot of heme iron from red meat or fish have an increased risk of heart disease by 57 percent compared with those who consume little heme iron .

Conversely , those who consume non - heme iron , or derived from vegetable , regardless of levels of heart disease have not improved at all .
According to study researcher Jacob Hunnicutt , nutrition experts from the university , the difference between the chemical structure of heme and nonheme iron was the cause of the difference in impact . " The unique structure of the heme iron is very easily absorbed by the body , even when the body has enough iron , " he said .
When it is absorbed , he continued , iron increases the rate of oxidation of "bad" cholesterol or low density lipoprotein ( LDL ) , causing destructive inflammation .

However , iron deficiency remains a public health concern . Because the hundreds of millions of children and women still lack of iron . Known iron deficiency can cause weakness, fatigue , inability to concentrate and learn well .

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