Thursday, May 15, 2014

Sleeping hard ? Maybe Eating One

Eating and sleeping patterns are closely related . Lack of sleep not only due to being a lot of thought , but also due to poor food choices . Women who slept less than six hours a day on average consume more calories than women who slept at least seven hours .
According to a study published in the journal Obesity , too, are often eaten calories insomnia most women who come from a less nutritious food choices . The reverse was found in the group of women who get enough sleep .
Sleep deprivation relationship with food selection also applies vice versa . That is not just the lack of sleep that causes the selection of calorie foods , but also a selection of high-calorie foods also cause sleeplessness at night .
Researchers found that the people who are in a special diet , such as reducing fat or cholesterol , are also likely to be sleepy during the day . They also have trouble sleeping at night .
So the study also concluded the relationship between diet and sleep quality very closely . Both need to be optimized to obtain optimal health .

Some tips to get the quantity and quality of sleep is good enough and , among others, by specifying the exact time for sleep . By doing that , we can guess who will get the long sleep .
Then , the researchers are also advised not to eat at least one hour before bedtime . When the body is still digesting before bed , your body will not really relax during sleep .

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