Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Prevent Sudden Death in Sports Picks

Each individual must be good brakes so as not to deplete the physical activity of the heart in a long time . If not , aka sudden death cardiac sudden death ( SDC ) stalking without any symptoms appear .
" SDC were no symptoms . If there are symptoms such as pain usually , it's called a heart attack , not the SDC . If anything , usually faint and dizzy . But that rarely happens , " said cardiologist Certified Cardiac Device Specialist of the Asian Heart and Vascular Center Gleneagles Medical Centre Singapore dr . Jeremy Chow , MBBS , MRCP , M. Med , FAMS .
At least , there are five causes of a person may experience sudden death . Chow explained one of them because of an abnormality in the heart organ , like the heart muscle to thicken . Congenital heart disease such as damage to the heart muscle or valve problem becomes a trigger .

Disruption of normal heart rhythms due to an infection of the heart , as well as viruses or bacteria that thrive in the heart organ is also a trigger . Similarly, the presence of abnormal arteries in a person's heart .
About 80 per cent , added Chow , SDC due to thickening of the heart . He also advised that a person who has a family history of sudden death should be more vigilant because tend to be more at risk of SDC .
" This is why athletes can die suddenly in the field or during sleep do not wake up or die , " said Chow .
Of note SDC cases , most experienced professional football players and basketball athletes . It can happen because of this kind of sport is relatively deplete cardiac work , plus a long time . Other sports seperto marathon , triathlon and iron man exercise also potentially SDC .
Both triathlon which combines three types of sports such as swimming , cycling , and running . And iron man workout , exercise the muscles that form the lower and upper body with squats , push- ups , assessed memforsir cardiac work up to three times .
" All sports are done nonstop without stopping , can also trigger the true death , " said Chow

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