Thursday, October 13, 2016

Benefits Apples are Not Many Know

Advice to eat an apple every day to keep the body healthy is not without reason. This fruit has a series of benefits and efficacy. In addition to fiber and vitamins, there are some benefits of apples are not yet widely known. Here are some of them, as preached from the site

1. Protect your lungs
Often eat apples it can protect your lungs from air pollution. A study of St George's Hospital Medical School in London never revealed, those who ate five or more apples a week had lung function better than those who did not eat apples.

It was because of their antioxidant content of apple called quercetin. Please think twice before peeling the apples as quercetin numerous in the skin.

2. Caring for skin
Fresh green apples turned out to be a face mask. Founder Juice Beauty in California, Karen Behnke said the potent green apple fruit masks moisturize the skin and reduce fine lines on the face.

To make a facial mask, blend until smooth one apple. Then it could be mixed with a bit of green grapes, lemon, and aloe vera. Then, apply to face and neck for 15 minutes. After that, rinse with warm water.

3. Healthy scalp
In addition to facial skin, apple also nourish the scalp. With apple cider vinegar, believed to eliminate the bacteria that cause dandruff on the scalp. The trick, apply apple cider vinegar into the scalp.

Then massage the head was smeared with apple cider vinegar before. After being left for one minute, rinse your hair back.

4. Streamline the waist
Want to look slim waist? Regularly eat apples instead of sweets and fatty foods into one solution. In addition, apple sauce can be used to replace the sweetness of sugar. Apple sauce is placed as a natural sweetener in recipes healthier foods.

With applesauce, would be free of fat and cholesterol. With so weight will be maintained and prevent fat in the waist or abdomen area.

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