Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Shortage "Zinc" Can Cause Indigestion

Zink (Zinc) or zinc, a mineral naturally found in foods, it is important for health. However, consuming too much can cause adverse effects, such as intestinal distress, vomiting and rash. Zinc deficiency will also cause problems.

New research published in the British Journal of Nutrition showed that zinc deficiency in the levels of minimal or short-term can cause damage that is almost undetectable.

According to the World Health Organization, zinc deficiency affects approximately one-third of the world population, and is responsible for about 16 percent of cases of lower respiratory tract infections, 18 percent of cases of malaria and 10 percent of diarrheal disease.

An animal studies led by Daniel Brugger from the Technical University of Munich examined the effects of short-term zinc deficiency to digestion.

Brugger and his team fed corn and soybeans with sufficient zinc content to 48 piglets tail, for two weeks. Then, randomly, the researchers divided them into eight groups.

After that, the pigs were fed a menu with a number of different zinc in order to create early-stage zinc deficiency conditions.

The researchers saw that the depletion of zinc occurs without symptoms are clearly visible, but small changes can be seen in the liver and blood. During the initial stage, the piglets body is trying to absorb zinc more efficiently, while at the same time reducing the excretion of zinc from the pancreas.

Zinc excretion from pancreas will decrease when we run out of stock in the body. In fact, zinc is an essential part of the digestive system.

"We proved that there is a direct correlation between the amount of digestive enzymes in the pancreas and zinc levels of the organism as a whole," says Brugger.

"Given there are similarities between organisms pig and human organism, we can draw the same conclusion for our species, that zinc deficiency should be avoided even if the interval is short."

Zinc deficiency also been shown to reduce appetite. Zink attached to the other enzymes in the body, including the stomach enzymes that help break down food. Mineral deficiency of zinc will interfere with the digestive system.

Brugger suspect loss of appetite, possibly due to the accumulation of undigested food in the digestive tract, as a result of zinc deficiency. As a result, people who feel themselves less hungry deficiency.

National Institutes of Health recommends the intake of zinc is eight to 11 milligrams daily.

Zink is widely available in seafood, meat, grains, and legumes, including peas and lentils.

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