Thursday, March 26, 2015

Healthy Diet for Teenagers Differences with Adults

Teens still in its infancy so it can not arbitrarily go on a diet to lose weight. But there are still a lot of teenagers who think skipping meals is the fastest way to maintain body weight.
Weight loss consultant physician Grace Judio-Kahl says, teens should not starve because want to be thin.
"We teach, education about hunger and satiety first. If you are hungry to eat. Baseball baseball days should eat. Get used to that already full stop eating, "said Grace after the launch of the book How to Fun Smart Diet Teens some time ago.
According to Grace, be sure to eat when the stomach is hungry, not because of "hungry eyes". Food eaten was in accordance with the principles of balanced nutrition.
Although it does not have to abstain from food, but it is advisable to reduce foods high in fat, sugar, and oil. When the body is a lot of movement, eating sweet foods is also necessary to add energy.

"Balanced nutrition should be no carbohydrates, proteins, fruits and vegetables, so she can not get eliminate nutrients. Baseball can follow diets like his mama for example, diet mayo, "said Grace.
A healthy diet will make the body healthier. If teens undergo a strict diet or any diet, bone growth can be disrupted, disrupts the body's metabolism, to disrupt the menstrual cycle for young women.
A healthy diet is necessary for adolescents from becoming obese. If left unchecked, obesity will continue to occur until adulthood because habits lead to unhealthy eating patterns. Obesity also increases the risk of various diseases such as diabetes and heart.
Begin many moves like following extracurricular activities at school. Limit television viewing in front of the computer and play games, namely a maximum of only 2 hours a day.

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