Sunday, March 22, 2015

Spicy chili for Health Benefits

In addition to being moodbooster, spicy foods also have good benefits to keep our bodies from disease. But remember, not too much because it will interfere with your digestion. I wonder what are the benefits?

Quoted Timesofindia, Saturday (03/21/2015), the following five secrets spicy chili for health that should be known.

Burn calories

Chili often be extra spice it also can make you lose fat. Appropriate research, chili has had a compound that provides a thermogenic effect, thus making the body burn more calories after you feel the sensation of spiciness.

Preventing Cancer

Of research findings that never existed, that capsaicin in chili has the ability to kill cancer cells. In addition, the chili also can help prevent stroke and obesity. Uniquely, the chili is also capable of fighting colds. Thus, if you have a cold are advised to eat spicy in order to relieve the blockage of life.

Heart health

The chili is also known to reduce cardiovascular risk. They decrease the incidence of heart attack and stroke because it can reduce the damaging effects of LDL (bad cholesterol). Not only that, appetite plant material is also said to help fight inflammation, which is a major factor in heart problems.

Lowering blood pressure

A study has shown that a compound in chili has the ability to lower blood pressure. It is also shown to encourage blood vessels to relax.

Quell anger

Spicy foods are said to increase the production of serotonin which makes happy mood. In addition, the hormone helps relieve depression and quell anger.

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