Monday, March 9, 2015

Overcome Prostate Foods in Men

Problems in the prostate gland has become a common problem in men lately. Fortunately, this problem can still be helped with natural medicine through healthy diet.

The cause of this problem called prostatitis, mostly due to an infection that causes pain and swelling of the prostate. Symptoms can include a desire to urinate even after pee, pain when peeing, painful ejaculation, to back pain.

These symptoms may be similar to symptoms of prostate cancer. But do not worry if your doctor says you are only experiencing problems prostate infection. There was good food consumed to help relieve your problems, as reported by the Boldsky, Tuesday (10/03/2015).


Tomatoes contain lycopene plant pigments called. The substance is a powerful antioxidant that may help reduce prostate enlargement and also reduce the risk of cancer by killing the cancer-causing cells. It also gives healing to the problem of frequent urination.

Green tea

High antioxidant content in it can prevent prostate cancer and control urination, burning sensation, and also decrease the size of a swollen prostate.

Watermelon seeds

High antioxidant also found in watermelon seeds that can remove toxins from the bladder and help in overcoming the problem of prostatitis. You can boil the seeds of watermelon and drink the water or eat the seeds directly as a treatment.

Carrot juice

These drinks can help fight prostatitis such as the ability to ward off prostate cancer. Drinking carrot juice every day is good for prostate health. It is also a healer for mgejala urine of prostatitis.


Strong anti-inflammatory agent in turmeric helps to overcome prostatitis. One of this herb also helps fight prostate cancer and reduce the risk. You can drink water or herbal decoction of turmeric with honey added to enrich the flavor of this natural medicine.

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