Thursday, January 14, 2016

Berry Turns Efficacious Same As Viagra

Tiny pill called Viagra has changed the sex lives of millions of men in the world. The experts found eating a loaf of berries three times a week was as effective as Viagra to treat erectile dysfunction.

Researchers claim the fruit snacking improve sexual function as well as walk five hours a week. The key, of compounds called flavonoids and a substance called anthycyanin. Both substances are found in cherries, blackberry, blackcurrant and blueberry.

Citrus fruits containing flavanone and flavone has the same effect with a glass of red wine.

In a new study of flavonoids found in fruits kinds of berries that help reduce impotence by 14 percent.

Flavonoids are known to have healthy benefits. However, research from the University of East Anglia and Harvard University found foods rich in flavonoids produce the same benefits as walking five hours a week in the repair to prevent erectile dysfunction.

Combining diets rich in flavonoids on foot produces more improvement in erectile dysfunction, up to 21 percent.

Treat erectile dysfunction also have other health benefits. That's because the erection problems are often a sign of problems in the blood circulation and heart disease. Erectile dysfunction is a danger sign of heart disease.

Research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, also found those who received the greatest benefits of foods rich in flavonoids that is those aged under 70.

Principal investigator Prof. Aedin Cassidy of the University of East Anglia said: "We already know the intake of certain foods rich in flavonoids may decrease the risk of diabetes and heart disease."

"This is the first study to examine the association between flavonoids and erectile dysfunction, a disease that affects half of men middle-aged and elderly men. Flavonoids present in many foods and beverages derived from plants including exist in vegetables, fruits, teas, herbs and wine," he explained ,

The study looked at six types of flavonoids commonly consumed and found three in particular, namely anthocyanins, flavanone and flavone useful. Men who regularly consume foods rich in flavonoids are 10 percent less likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction.

"The interesting thing about this study is useful reduce erectile dysfunction that is found by adding a portion of the edible fruit. The fruit has to do with the reduction of risk. However, citrus fruits and give including blackberries, strawberries, blackcurrants, blueberries, grapes, cherries proved at most reduce the risk erectile dysfunction, "he added.

Erectile dysfunction is often a barometer of the initial function of poor blood circulation and provide clues for doctors to intervene and prevent heart disease, heart attacks and even death.

The study track the health of more than 50 thousand middle-aged men start to 1986. Data taken diet every four years.

The research team calculates factors such as weight, amount of exercise, caffeine intake, smoking or not. More than a third of men reported suffering from erectile dysfunction, but those who eat foods rich in anthocyanins, flavone and flavanone tend not to experience it.

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