Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Sports, More Than Burn Fat

Thyfault, PhD, is a professor at Kansas University Medical Center, who specializes in learning about the effects of exercise on health. Every year, he took time to attend the annual meeting of the American Diabetes Association. These meetings are usually attended by tens of thousands of people, even ever recorded was attended by 18,000 people.

As a large conference, ADA conference is also held in a large building complete with elevators, escalators and stairs usual.

According to the observations Thyfault, more and more people choose to use the elevator or escalator, rather than great pains up and down ordinary stairs.

In fact, contains an invitation banner 'Stop Diabetes' plastered on almost all corners of the building and one of the important factors to prevent diabetes is by being physically active.

Every time I see this sad sight, Thyfault will soon take a picture with his cell phone. The images produced Thyfault shows, tends to empty stairs while the elevators and escalators was very full. These images say more than a thousand pills are commonly consumed by diabetics.

"Sport and physical activity, not something extra in your life, and not to get a health bonus. Conversely, sport and physical activity is something that indeed there should be and is done so that our bodies can function normally," he said.

Thyfault added, physical activity (including sports) nor simply an activity shaping, toning muscles and burning fat. Its function is much more of it all, some of which are:

Exercise and blood sugar

In one experiment, Thyfault recruit some people who consistently walk at least 10,000 steps each day and ask them to reduce the size of the physical activity to about 5,000 steps a day.

As a result, Thyfault see changes in the way blood vessels they work and how well they can control blood sugar after a meal.

It seems that, after reducing the share of physical activity, the body of the volunteers no longer can control blood sugar as well as when they were run as many as 10,000 thousand steps a day. Research has shown that they were in the 'journey' towards type-2 diabetes.

"If this continues, it is not likely they will actually suffer from diabetes," said Thyfault.

Thyfault observations are in line with the results of a study sponsored by the US government, which is called the diabetes prevention program. The researchers recruited more than 3,000 adults who are overweight and in a state of prediabetes, then they were divided into three groups.

The first group helped to implement a better diet and more exercise, which is 150 minutes a week.

The second group was asked to consume the drug metformin, a drug that helps the body respond better insuln. The third group was given placebo pills.

The result, after four years, the first group showed better progress than the other two groups. They can decrease the risk of diabetes by 58 percent, while the second group of 31 percent and a third group by 27 percent.

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