Wednesday, January 20, 2016

This Amazing Benefits of Chlorophyll

Chlorophyll is a compound which converts light into energy at the plant. In addition, this compound gives a green color in plants.

The more green plants, the higher the chlorophyll content in it. But not on fruits berarati no chlorophyll. Chlorophyll still exist only at a lower rate.

Research has shown many benefits in chlorophyll content. Therefore the green substance is often extracted and used as a health supplement. Here are the benefits that can be obtained when taking chlorophyll reported by Megabored.

1. Clean the blood

The study, published Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine found liquid chlorophyll to improve the quality of red blood cells. The active ingredients of the liquid chlorophyll can also purify the blood by eliminating toxins.

The ability of liquid chlorophyll to produce more red blood cells associated with their chemical composition. The chemical composition of chlorophyll is similar to hemoglobin.

Hemoglobin is the molecule found in red blood cells. Hemoglobin is responsible for providing oxygen to all parts of the body. Differences in chlorophyll which has a magnesium atom in its center, whereas hemoglobin has an iron.

2. Have Antioxidants

Chlorophyll content loaded with antioxidants that can protect against chronic diseases. Through research published Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine, liquid chlorophyll can even reduce the risk of inflammation.

In addition, liquid chlorophyll is highly recommended for people with arthritis and amygdalitis. The second condition was caused by internal inflammation. Consuming liquid chlorophyll also strengthens the immune system, even the good news, liquid chlorophyll could delay early signs of aging. It protects from free radical damage and repair damaged tissue.

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