Monday, January 19, 2015

Mobilephone We Turns Over slob of a lever lavatory

Most of the people can not be separated for a moment of smart phones. In such circumstances, the phone is definitely filled with bacteria. Researchers in the UK proves how slovenly turns our phones.

To investigate the levels of our mobile squalor, students bacteriology University of Surrey create trace their mobile phones in the medium grower bacteria in a petri dish. After three days they studied the bacteria that grow on it and was shocked.
In some instances, it is found in disease-carrying bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. An estimated 20 per cent of people in the long term carry the bacteria that live in our respiratory tract.

Many healthy people carry the bacteria on the skin and in the nose without getting sick. But when the skin is injured bacteria can get into the wound and cause infection.
These bacteria cause a number of infections such as food poisoning. Staph bacteria can easily be transmitted by contaminated surfaces from person to person.
Other bacteria that are found in cell phones commonly found in soil. This means that the mobile phone users just now in contact with the ground. Mycoides Bacicull found in pesticides and are used to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria and fungi.

The experiment was part of a lesson to a class of practical bacteriology and biomedical Dr. Simon Park. Every year Dr. Park asked the students to make a recording of their phone trace and collect a variety of footage from past experiments.
"It seems that the phone is not only a telephone number but also bring a person history and physical contact with another person, soil or other materials. As part of the lesson, this task is not unusual but very effective to connect students with microbiology in everyday life," said Dr. . Park.
Pick his nose and then send the text in the phone makes smart phones exposed Staphylococcus pathogens. However, the average mobile phone carries 18 times more harmful germs and more squalid than a toilet flush lever.
The analysis found that about a quarter of mobile phones is very dirty, 10 times more bacteria than can be accepted without pain. In one test of the phone contains very high bacteria that cause serious stomach ache owners affected.

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