Thursday, January 8, 2015

Want to Reduce Weight? 4 Do About It

If you have a resolution to lose weight in the new year, then avoid these four strategies:

I give up

Dr Aaron Michelfelder, MD, said, assuming that your weight will never be normal or you despair is a bad thing. According to him, if you are obese, losing 10 percent of your weight, and it will improve your appearance and have significant health benefits, such as lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of diabetes. Losing five pounds again will be good for joint health.

As a family physician, dr. Michelfelder many get much pertayaan in each January from patients who want to lose weight. He also suggested that they did not do it alone.

"When you tell people that you want to lose weight, they will provide support and stop offering you cookies and candy," said Dr. Michelfelder as quoted from public pages Loyola University Health System.

"In recent years, most of us have to add the weight loss as a resolution. Obesity is now so common in the United States and causes more illness and death," he added.

I will lose weight in the gym

Michelfelder revealed that exercise is good for health and can help you keep the weight off. However, exercise alone is not effective enough to lose weight. You also have to reduce your calorie intake.

I had to change the diet in total

According Michelfelder, radical dietary changes are not necessary. A more effective strategy is to reduce a few hundred calories daily.

When going to a restaurant, for example, eat an apple before starting dinner, no need to eat bread before the main course arrived. Then, eat food in small portions.

Weight loss supplement better

Michelfelder said supplements burn more muscle than fat. When you stop taking them, you will get back more fat than muscle. This will make you worse off than before, before deciding to take supplements.

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