Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Apparently, Consumption One Banana a Day Have Myriad Benefits

The research team United States (US) found that people who consume high potassium are less likely to suffer brain damage.

This means, one can protect themselves from brain damage or stroke by consuming enough banana is a fruit with high potassium content every day.

Express launch, this potassium-related research include women who have undergone menopause. From these studies, it was found that those who consumed the most potassium had a lower likelihood of having a stroke 12 percent in general.

Additionally, those who consume high potassium also have a 16 percent lower risk for ischemic stroke. This makes the risk of death was 10 percent for the high potassium consuming.

Senior researcher of the Faculty of Medicine, Albert Einstein College Dr. Sylvia Wassertheil-Smoller stated, previous studies also showed that a high potassium intake can lower blood pressure.

Sylvia stated, the present invention may be a reason to encourage more women active in fruit and vegetable consumption. In addition to bananas, a number of other foods such as potatoes, sweet potatoes and white beans can also be an option to obtain sufficient potassium intake.

"Fruits and vegetables are good sources of potassium. Potassium is not only lower the risk of stroke for women with menopause but also lowers the risk of death," said Sylvia.

Research related to the benefits of this potassium intake involving 90 137 women who have undergone menopause. The age range of the women is 50 to 79 years. On average they were included in the study for 11 years.

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