Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Olive Oil Could Increase Female Fertility

The kinds of methods are married couples to increase fertility in order to immediately obtain offspring. For women, the consumption of olive oil could be one way to increase fertility.
Based on the study, a diet with olive oil can improve the pregnancy up to 40 percent. The study involved more than 100 couples undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) or IVF.

Their diet is then adjusted, using olive oil for cooking and drinks plus supplements that are rich in vitamin D and omega-3 fats every day for six weeks. Meanwhile, other couples are asked to use sunflower seed oil for cooking.
As a result, a team of researchers from the University of Southampton said, olive oil diet can increase pregnancy rates by 40 percent.
Based on previous studies, omega-3 fatty acids contained in olive oil embryo can develop more quickly after a woman undergoing IVF.

There have been many studies that prove the benefits of olive oil were to fertility. Previous studies also showed that omega 3 can improve the quality of the sperm and egg cells.
Many of the benefits of olive oil for health. Omega-3 fatty acids are abundant in olive oil is known to work to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol. Not only for fertility, olive oil has been also used for skin health.

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