Sunday, January 11, 2015

Protect Heart with Avocado

A healthy heart starts supported by lower bad cholesterol levels, and research found that one way to do this is to diligently taking avocado.

Avocados have long been known as foods that are rich in nutrients and has a monounsaturated fatty acid that is very high.

Several previous studies have found that avocado is a type of food that can lower cholesterol, but it turns out the benefits of green-skinned fruit is much more.

Penny M. Kris-Etherton, a professor of nutritional sciences, along with other researchers tested three types of low-cholesterol diet. They found that low cholesterol diet best not to use olive oil, but avocado.

By testing 45 healthy diet that weight is above normal and aged 21-70 years, researchers compared the reduction of bad cholesterol in each respondent.

Apparently, a diet that contains avocado much more effective in lowering bad cholesterol levels compared with olive oil.

A report published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, detailing the research carried out for five weeks with a gap of two weeks before moving cholesterol diet.

Although scientific research scope is still very small, but experts believe avocado can protect the heart from bad cholesterol, so it can dicega heart attack.

The problem is how people become accustomed to eating avocados every day?

The majority of the US population does not know how to use avocado to the daily diet. "People can start to think to eat the avocado in a new way. For example, using two slices of avocado on sandwiches or make avocado chopped in salads," Kris-Etherton as quoted

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