Thursday, January 8, 2015

Why We Need Naps on pause Hours

Ambush sleepiness after lunch at our office will usually opponent with a cup of coffee. In fact, there are other ways that are effective and proven to increase creativity and concentration, ie, with a nap.

Various studies have shown that a nap for 20-30 minutes can increase productivity, alertness, improve motor reflexes, improve mood, and even reduce stress.

Another study showed that the learning process is performed after a nap as effective as learning after a sleepless night.

Unfortunately, most people judge a nap is unproductive and lazy people exhibit. Therefore most people prefer to ignore the signals the body to rest by drinking caffeinated beverages.

The fall in energy after lunch too often we assume due to eating too much. Actually, research shows that, in most people will feel sleepy 8 hours after waking up in the morning, even though no lunch.

Another myth that is wrong about naps is this habit can ruin a night's sleep cycle. The real problem arises when we allow ourselves to take a nap too long. Unlike night's sleep cycle takes five stages of sleep, nap would be more effective if we woke up before the body goes to sleep in.

Our bodies have a need to rest as much as we need food and water. When we feel tired, brain blood flow that reaches less so thought processes could be disrupted. The ability to form long-term memory is also reduced.

Currently awareness of the importance of naps in improving labor productivity has been owned by large companies such as Yahoo !, Nike, P & G, Cisco, and many more. Usually they make room for a quiet break. The employees are welcome to use a nap for 20 minutes. Quiet room that can also be used for meditation.

Not everyone is lucky to have a quiet room in the office. But should it not an obstacle for us to take a moment to take a nap. We can also take advantage of office space being left lonely lunch coworkers.

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