Monday, January 26, 2015

Substitute Natural Prescription Cough

Coughing not only seen as a means of spread of germs. Indeed, cough is a natural reaction to clear the nasal mucus from the respiratory tract so that the child can breathe more easily. So, do not rush to give medicine to your child cough suppressant.

"Drugs can be harmful cough suppressant. Cough medicine makes children hyperactive, dizziness, and difficulty sleeping, "said Catherine Tom-Revzon, Pharm D, pharmacy clinic manager kids Children's Hospital at Montefiore, New York, are like quoted from

Even so, you still have to be vigilant because almost all the coughing can make a child's throat irritation. So how can children do not suffer because of a cough?

Prepare the sweet relief
Since the first honey is known as a natural remedy to relieve cough and help children who are ill to be able to sleep more soundly. Honey is safe for children aged 1 year and over, and children are also happy to eat them because it tastes sweet.

In addition, black honey, such as Buckwheat, also has a powerful effect because they contain higher antioxidant. Give half a teaspoon in children aged 1-5 years and one teaspoon for children aged 6-11 years.

However, do not give honey to babies under 1 year of age, because of the bacteria contained in the honey can cause poisoning.

Serve soup
A bowl of hot chicken soup is highly recommended to restore the condition of the child's body. Chicken soup contains anti-inflammatory
The driving fluid.

Warm or very cold liquids can thin the mucus in the nose, so easily removed. In addition, adequate fluid intake also relieve pains ternggorokan and make the child hydrated. Have children drink cold water, cold or warm juice, or tea without caffeine mixed with honey.

Offer something to suck
To cope with itchy throat, give the child something to suck. Children aged 4 years and above are able to suck a sore throat or cough medicine tablets, hard candy non-sugar, or even frozen berries.

Ice bars or ice cubes can also be a good choice for small children itchy throat.

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