Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Natural Therapies to Relieve Back Pain

Back pain due to the burden of daily activity is not fun. When pain occurs in a long time, you certainly disrupted daily activities. You may have to quickly try some therapy to relieve the pain.

Massaging probably the first thing you will do, either by asking family or masseur subscriptions from outside. For simple or emergency treatment, several therapies below you can possibly do to relieve back pain.

Ice pack

Pain and back pain occurs due to inflammation or inflammation. Compress back pain with ice bag is a natural therapy to reduce the inflammation. Use several small ice cubes in a plastic bag and place it on the affected area for 10-15 minutes.

ginger stew

Ginger is known to have anti-inflammatory properties, so this is good to relieve back pain. Make ginger boiled water with a slice of ginger in water that has been added some honey.

Soaking in warm water

If you have a bath tub to soak in the bath, soak in hot water for 30 minutes can help. It will help soothe tense muscles that can cause back pain. For pregnant women, it is advisable not to try this therapy because it is not good for the content.

Sleep well

Sleep well with a pillow under the knees suggested. Make sure you sleep well because your body needs time to get rid of the pain. Similarly, as reported from Boldsky, Tuesday (20/01/2015).

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