Monday, August 24, 2015

5 Habits Everyday Lowers IQ

According to experts, all of the modern world ranging from technology to the eating habits could erode the ability of our brain, attacking the central nervous system and makes us slower and less idea. The researchers began to worry about this phenomenon, because the human IQ score is now declining. Here's 5 daily habits that lowered IQ:

1. Eating foods high in fat
Eating saturated fat in large portions such as bacon, toast and omelet inhibits the function of brain dopamine, an important neurotransmitter responsible for motivation. Studies of the University of Montreal found that high fat consumption causes the "malfunctioning of brain circuits that cause mood disorders, drug addiction and overeating".

Just like a drug, the more saturated fat we consume, the more we want it again in order to get a "feeling happy".

2. Multitasking
Earl Miller, a neuroscientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said: "Our brains are not built for multitasking. When people think they are multitasking, actually they just move from one task to another quickly. And every time they do that, there is a 'cognitive costs' incurred, ".

When multitasking, we use glucose which is 'gasoline brains' faster, thus making our minds work twice as much and fatigue.

Checking e-mail in the middle of a job can reduce IQ by 10 points. Miller added, multitasking can harm us. For example when driving while phoning. Our limited cognitive capacity indicates that we can not focus on a task that is too much.

3. Googling
Have unlimited information at any time, is a disaster for the nerves at the same luck. Could easily look up addresses, recipes, phone number, via Google means we so do not rely too much on memory alone. The hippocampus of the brain related to memory the most recent.

Googling affect the memory storage techniques. For example, a study by Columbia University showed today we are more likely to remember where we store information rather than the content of the information itself. Microsoft said, the range of memories our brains have declined, from an average of 12 seconds 15 years ago, this time to 8 seconds.

4. Too much sugar
UCLA study in 2012 conducted on mice showed that too much fructose - a sugar found in fruits, honey and vegetables - effectively slows the brain by affecting the ability of insulin to help cells convert sugar into energy brain to think. However, taking Omega-3 can fight the problem.

5. Chewing gum
Not long ago, we still think that chewing gum is good for our health. Neurologists, Earl Miller said: "Chewing gum is a physical exercise that facilitate blood flow to the brain, improving cognitive function by giving extra energy," he said.

However, recent experiments would indicate different things. Chewing gum actually distract participants from the short-term given the task to study the order of items on the list.

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