Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Best Protein According to Nutritionist

Protein is key to repairing cells, build muscle, burn fat several kilograms, and other critical functions. But, in fact it is not only how much protein we eat, but also a source of protein.

There are several reasons why a very important source of protein. First, any source, whether it's chicken or beans, contain different amino acids. Of the 20 amino acid variations, nine of which are essential, which means that only we can get from food.

According Rajavel Elango, nutritionists and metabolism, animal protein has a complete essential amino acids. But the vegetable protein contains only a small portion of the 9 essential ammino acid.

"If you consume only vegetable protein alone, it is important to eat a wide variety at meal times to meet the body's need for amino acids," says Elango.

Eat a variety of foods is also a very important source of protein for every source that also contain different vitamins and minerals. There are foods rich in vitamin B, there are iron, and so on.

Here are some of the best sources of protein according to nutritional experts.

- Eggs
One egg contains 6 grams of protein. "In terms of biological value of egg has the highest value. Value is the proportion of protein biology that when diasup will help form protein and tissues in the body," says Bonnie Taub-Dix, author of Read It Before You Eat It.

Another plus is that it contains choline, vitamin B-12 and D, which is essential to increase energy levels and cell. We also still allowed to eat one egg every day without worrying about the risk of heart disease and stroke increases.

- Cottage cheese
Cottage cheese is a soft cheese made from curds. In one cup of the cheese contained 25 grams of protein and 18 percent of our daily calcium needs.

- Chicken meat
Excess of poultry meat is much less saturated fat than other meats. In a chicken breast contains 30 grams of protein.

- Cereal intact
Cereal intact or whole grains not only contain fiber but also protein. Quinoa is a part of the whole Cereal proteins that contain complete or contain all the essential amino acids.

- Fish
Fish is the best source of omega-3 are needed for a healthy heart and stabilize mood. In pieces measuring 3 ounces of salmon contains 17 grams of protein with 6.5 grams of unsaturated fatty acids. Meanwhile tuna contains higher, 25 grams.

- Greek yogurt
Greek yogurt has a fresh taste making it suitable for diasup at breakfast, snack, or in other mixtures. Little fat content while the protein is high enough.

- Nuts
Besides having the unsaturated fat content, nuts are also rich in protein.

- Greens
Green leafy vegetables also contains protein. For example, the spinach dish which has 70 calories, contains 10 grams of protein. Although green vegetables do not contain complete amino acid, but when combined with nuts or legumes, then the amino acid is quite "complete".

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