Monday, August 17, 2015

Tempe & Fish So Alternatives Beef

Scarcity meat in various parts of Indonesia, making people feel worried. Seeing this, the Head of the Agency for Health Research and Development (Balitbangkes) of the Ministry of Health, Tjandra Yoga Aditama urge the public not to worry about the lack of protein and a source of nutrition.

Because the source of the protein could still be from sources other foods that also have high nutritional value, namely fish and tempeh.

"In addition to the flesh then we have various sources of animal and vegetable foods, including fish and tempeh, and the Ministry of Health strongly encourage us a lot of consumption of fish and vegetable protein source," said Tjandra through an official statement received Sindonews.

Tjandra explained, proteins in fish have the composition and content of essential amino acids is complete. Fish also contains omega-3 fatty acids that have special advantages compared to other animal food. While, cod liver oil is known as a rich food source of vitamin A and D are easily absorbed by the body.

"The fish also contributed to the increased consumption of vitamin B1, B2, pyridoxine (B6), B12 and niacin. The mineral content in fish is important is iron, iodine, zinc, selenium and calcium," he said.

For pregnant women, the role of fish in nutritional intervention is very important. The reason, pregnant women are prone to experience a shortage of nutrients, particularly omega-3 highly needed in fetal brain development.

Meanwhile, tempeh contains important proteins, namely vegetable, amino acids, various types of vitamin B, iron, copper and zinc. Not only that, tempeh also contains isoflavin, riboflavin, vegetable fat, phosphorus and carotene.

"Tempe is relatively easy to obtain in different regions of our country, so it certainly could have become one of the essential nutritional intake of our society," said Tjandra

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