Thursday, August 13, 2015

Myriad Benefits of Red Apples

Eating fruit regularly is great for maintaining digestive health. Not only that, various kinds of fruits have benefits that benefit the body, one red apple.

It feels fresh made apple red became one of the favorite fruits to eat with the family. Moreover, red apples are easily available both in traditional markets and modern shopping center with a relatively affordable price.

Here are some benefits of red apples for the body, reported

Facilitate digestion

Apple has plenty of fiber to help the body digestion. By eating this fruit regularly, the body will be spared from constipation and digestion in the small intestine mmemperlancar.

In addition, Apple also serves to stimulate the release of gastric juices to ensure the absorption of nutrients running efficiently. Apples are also useful to ensure heart health by reducing the excess cholesterol in the body.

Prevent cancer

Research shows substances in apples can prevent colon cancer and breast cancer.

Treating anemia

Apples are rich in iron that is useful for treating anemia. Anemia is a deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood and can be improved by increasing iron intake.

By increasing the red blood cells in the body not only treat anemia but also ensures an important organ systems functioning properly.

Overcoming fatigue

Apple is a fruit that can overcome fatigue and pep. Although it does not contain high protein, a combination of antioxidant compounds and proteins present in apples has the benefit of preventing fatigue and improve muscle strength.

Preventing diabetes

Polyphenols in apples may reduce the carbohydrates in the body. Polyphenols can stimulate insulin receptors on cells in the body so as to accelerate the reduction of blood sugar levels. Apples are one of the best fruits for diabetics.

Dental care

Apples can help clean teeth and gums, as well as reducing the chance of getting cavities. When the apple is eaten, the fiber will clean the teeth, whereas antibacterial blocking bacteria and viruses infect the body. Eating an apple also stimulates the secretion of saliva, which reduces the ability of bacteria to multiply in the mouth.

Preventing heart disease

Apples can lower cholesterol levels in the body, making the body stronger against cardiovascular disease. In addition, apples also contain flavonoids that can reduce inflammation in blood vessels.

Caring for the skin

Cream made from a mixture of apples, honey, and milk can make the skin brighter because of the high antioxidant in apples.

Compounds in apples against damaging free radicals that can lead to premature aging, wrinkles, and other skin problems. Substances in apples maintain blood flow remains smooth and help turn old cells, and repair damaged cells.

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