Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Fabulous Facts About Bananas For Body

You know, if the banana lovers fall into two categories? First, those who just want to eat the fruit when green or yellow color of their skin clean. Secondly, those who eat bananas whatever the color of his skin, because there is often a banana skin black spots. There are few, there is also a lot of blends with the skin.

But whatever the choice, there are several good reasons why people should start eating the fruit of the yellow jacket. One of them for the sake of health, more energy, to improve your appearance. Let's look at 10 reasons why you are required to eat more bananas from now, as reported on the website bodyandsoul.

1. Improving the workings of the digestive

This is one fact the banana is the most widely consumed fruit of the world's population. Because it contains a natural dietary fiber elements. Fiber can maintain normal bowel function, especially if you are affected by an upset stomach. In addition to functioning as a laxative also for those who are trying to ward off the symptoms of "rare backwards".

2. Low calorie snacks

If you want a snack that can satisfy hunger without damaging calorie diet program, immediately take a banana in your food bag. The average calories in a banana is around 110 calories. Nice, is not it?

3. Energy Enhancer

Full of vitamin C, antioxidants, potassium and lots of vitamin B. Bananas help keep the immune system, while providing additional energy in a short time when you need it. Carbohydrate content in bananas also help you strengthen the muscles, so that many athletes consume this fruit before and on the sidelines of their strenuous sports activities.

4. Lifting the mood

The fruit is also known to have the ability to encourage increased levels of your mood. Substance amino acid tryptophan, which your body converts into serotonin (neurotransmitter mood lifter). Soon after improving your mood. Serotonin can also reduce stress, guarantee fast asleep, and in general can make you happier.

5. The food is good for the heart

Potassium is one of the vital elements and nutrients in order to keep the organs of your heart. It is a mineral that is needed for muscles to contract, triggering cardiac blood flow more smoothly throughout the body. Recommendations potassium levels may be consumed by the body is about 2,300 mg, and a medium sized banana, contain about 422 mg potassium.

6. Against heartburn and intestinal pain

Bananas help neutralize the acidity in your stomach. Bananas also help coat the intestines, as well as reduce irritation in the channel. Especially after you eat spicy foods.

7. Good to form strong bones

To keep your bones remain in top shape. One of them through the content of manganese, as an essential nutrient which is also contained in bananas. A medium size banana, contain about 0.3 mg of manganese.

8. Helping eye health

If the carrot is known as the main vegetables are good for your eyesight. Then bananas should be able to share the claims. Because in bananas, contained an element of vitamin A, which as we know keeping your eye, maintaining normal vision, it also helps you see better at night.

9. Treatment for muscle cramps

You often twitch muscles, spasms and cramps. It is a symptom of low consumption of potash (potassium) you. Bananas, which had a large enough potassium content will be your source in reducing the symptoms of the problem in the muscles.

10. Maintain skin and facial

Yes, bananas also offer many benefits for your skin's beauty. Rich in powerful antioxidants, nutrients and phytochemicals. Eating bananas everyday can nourish and revitalize dry skin. And protect the skin from free radicals that cause premature aging.

Bananas are also good for acne prone skin. Vitamin A can help to fade scars and dark spots. While zinc and lectins, can fight the bacteria that cause acne

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