Thursday, October 8, 2015

Matcha Higher content of antioxidants from Green Tea

For several years, green tea is known for its health benefits, which is rich in antioxidants that are good for the heart and brain. Well what if there is a "tea" of other anti-oxidants contain 10 times as much? Try the matcha, a powder derived from green tea leaves. The leaf is placed in the shade for two to four weeks before harvest.

"When placed in the shade with a long time, the amount of chlorophyll will be increased so that the antioxidant also increases. The process of changing the profile of tea plants entirely. After the harvest, and then heated, dried and ground, we enjoy the whole of the leaves along with antioxidants, "said dr. Mariza Snyder, author of The Matcha Miracle.

Snyder added, matcha has 10 times more antioxidants than green tea. Chlorophyll - which he equated as blood on the plant, serves as detoxification. Flavor of matcha green tea alone equals.
Matcha comes from Japan, where only the Buddhist monks and the samurai who drink it. Samurai will consume matcha before the fight to get a long-lasting energy, because we can indeed highly energized for four to six hours after eating matcha.

Antioxidants present in matcha is very useful, because it contains EGCG can improve heart health, lower cholesterol, prevent cancer, type 2 diabetes and improve concentration. Matcha also contains L-Theanine, an amino acid that can improve mental alertness. Snyder said one glass of matcha per day is sufficient to provide the benefits earlier.

The most traditional way to make matcha is to shake it with water, but do not boil to keep the anti-oxidant content. Generally, Matcha green tea is more expensive than usual, because the manufacture of the powder takes a long time and intensive in the factory, one can take an hour. Choose a tea with the most radiant colors, indicating high chlorophyll content.

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