Sunday, October 4, 2015

Olive Oil Can Lower Risk of Breast Cancer

Study small scale carried out on a group of women in Spain related to breast cancer risk. The study monitors 4,282 women with an average age late 60s, who were divided into two groups.

They were given two variations of the Mediterranean diet. The Mediterranean diet is loaded with fruits, nuts and vegetables, with small portions of fish, low-fat meat, cheese, and wine. One group was given a supplement in the form of high-quality olive oil, while the other group was given a supplement in the form of beans.

High quality olive oil (extra virgin) is believed to be healthy because it is made without chemicals or processes that may reduce efficacy.

"Several biological mechanisms may explain the anti-cancer efficacy of high-quality olive oil," said the perpetrators of the study, as reported by VOA on Wednesday (09/16/2015).

From 2003, the group given consume 1 liter of olive oil per week, and the group given 15 grams of beans receive walnuts, almonds 7.5 grams, and 7.4 grams of pecan nut.

Those who were given olive oil showed the risk of breast cancer is 68 percent lower than that of other groups.

"The pattern of the Mediterranean diet has attracted attention because historically, breast cancer rates are lower in Mediterranean countries than in Northern European countries or Central, or the United States," said study perpetrators.

The scientists said the results of the study indicate the efficacy of the Mediterranean diet supplemented with olive oil supplements in preventing breast cancer. They added, "Prevention is the most effective strategy against cancer.

Breast cancer is the second deadliest cancer in the US, with 232,000 people diagnosed this year, according to the American Cancer Society. This cancer is estimated to cost 40,000 casualties.

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