Sunday, October 25, 2015

Fruits It Can Relieve Heartburn Stomach

Stomach pains and constipation often experienced by a person as a result of eating or lack of fiber. If you are having problems, it quickly eat fresh fruits below.

Quoted Boldsky, Monday (10/26/2015), a pear is one of the best gut many foods that you can consume once a week.
A recent study showed, pears provide fiber to produce a good stool. Pir is also free of sodium, cholesterol, fat and contains 190 mg of potassium, which make our intestines healthy.

Apples also rich in fiber, so as to prevent digestive problems. Eat an apple after 15 minutes of a heavy meal.

If you want to improve your digestion within 24 hours, choose to eat papaya. This fruit contains vitamin C to provide energy if you are hungry. Also papaya can break down protein and makes it very easy to digest.

Bananas also help restore normal bowel function. We recommend that you eat bananas in the morning because it is easy to digest and keep your intestines.

This fruit serves as a generator of energy from nutrients and vitamins. Eat half pieces of avocado a meal to facilitate digestion.

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