Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Foods That Can Reduce Breast Cancer Risk

In months vigilance warning in breast cancer, it is not wrong if we try to begin to improve the lifestyle to prevent it. One that we can do is to make healthy food.

The risk of cancer, some of which can be improved through diet, try the tips can be changed by following a healthy diet, as reported by FoxNews, Wednesday (21/10/2015).


Tomatoes contain phytonutrients lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant that gives tomatoes red and may help protect the growth of breast cancer cells. Researchers at Harvard Medical School found that, a small cancer risk in those who consumed vegetables like tomatoes berkarotenoid.

For more healthy tips, the body more easily absorb the lycopene in cooked tomatoes. So do not hesitate to increase the intake of foods containing tomato sauce and gravy in the form.


Broccoli is a vegetable rich in phytonutrients that can capture the spread of cancer and stop the formation of cancer cells. Phytonutrient in broccoli also alter estrogen metabolism, promotes the production of estrogen form which does not increase the risk of breast cancer.

If you feel too bland steamed broccoli, try the grilled broccoli that tastes better. Baluri broccoli with healthy oils such as olive oil before grilling can help the body absorb more nutrients from these vegetables.


Garlic contains allyl sulfides, compounds by research demonstrates the ability to change the process Abnormalization healthy cells. Numerous studies show that components in garlic inhibits the growth and reduce the spread of breast cancer cells of humans.

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