Wednesday, November 25, 2015

4 Ingredients Shallots are Efficacious for Health

Many people who do not like to eat onions because of fear of bad breath or did not like the taste. In fact, the onion has many benefits for health.

According to the study, the onion has useful content that is rarely found in other vegetables. Here the content of onion and usefulness to the body, as quoted from Boldsky.


Red onions contain quercetin which is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fungal. Eating onion is believed to prevent someone getting cancer. In addition, the content of quercetin is also considered an effective cure flu and fever.


Onion also contain allicin is beneficial to heart health. According to the study, regularly eat onions can lower blood pressure and keep it normal.

Another benefit of allicin content on onion is dandruff in the hair.


Research shows that onions are rich in organosulphur, which is a sulfur compound that effectively address the causes of prostate cancer and stomach.

Organosulphur can create a protective layer when the body fight against cancer in the prostate gland and stomach.

Onionin A

Shallots are almost in every dish in Indonesia also contains Onionin A, which is a compound that is effective in reducing inflammation and pain caused by various diseases.

A Onionin presence is believed to reduce pain, either temporarily or permanently. Consumption of red onion on a regular basis are also good for the asthma, allergies, and arthritis or osteoarthritis.

Therefore, do not be too concerned if there is always the onion in the daily diet. Add onion while eating a salad will provide more health benefits.

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