Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Sport at age 40 Can Prevent Aging

Many young women exercising in order to stay slim waist. But the sport at the age after 40 is also important to prevent aging. Mild exercise when age
40 useful against cell aging.

Researchers in the new study examined how exercise affects the length of telomeres. Telomeres are the ends of a rope that prevents DNA damage, such as plastic protected ends on shoelaces.

When cells age, telomeres naturally shorten. Worsening tip was accelerated by obesity, smoking and diseases such as diabetes and insomnia.Panjang telomeres have long proven to have anything to do with longevity.

Previous research has found that athletes had longer telomeres than non athletes at the same age. Likewise, older women who continue to exercise such as walking.

As part of the study, they examined data of 6,500 people aged 20 to 84 from the National Health and Nutrition Survey Examination.Survei was asked about the tens of thousands of adult health, including exercise habits, as well as the examination and the provision of a blood sample. Blood samples used to test the length of their telomeres.

People involved in the study were divided into four groups based on the level of the sport. They make a score if it is involved in the following activities in the last seebulan: weight training, moderate exercise such as walking, vigorous exercise such as running or cycling. Then they compared the scores with telomere length.

They find in each score, a person's risk for experiencing decreased telomere shortening. Those who undergo one type of activity around three percent less telomere shortening than those who do not exercise.

Those who do two types of activity reduced the risk 24. Three activity reduces the risk to 29 percent and four activity lowers the risk to 52 percent.

The reduction in risk was strongest telomere shortening occurred at ages 40 and 65 years old. It is concluded that midlife is a key time to start exercising so that stops telomeres shorten.

However, the study did not find out how much exercise is needed to prevent cell aging.

This research was led by Paul Loprinzi and Jeremy Loenneke from the University of Mississippi and Elizabeth Blackburun of the University of California, San Francisco. This research has been published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.

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