Wednesday, November 18, 2015

This evidence cespleng Ginseng Against Diabetes

Ginseng crop is predicted able to fight diabetes, because it is easy to control blood sugar in our body. What is the proof?

Researchers and Herbalist from the Ministry of Health Dr Jusuf Kristianto MM MHA PhD MPH said, of a number of data mining across the world, ginseng can help patients with diabetes or against diabetes, when consumed by healthy people.

"300 grams of ginseng can improve the body's metabolism. Also nine percent are believed to be menurunankan blood sugar levels of diabetic patients every day," he said when met at the JW Marriot Hotel, Mega Kuningan, South Jakarta, yesterday.

Therefore, the content ginsenosid on ginseng can reduce and prevent diabetes. It is based on research results from the herbalist in the United States.

"But it's not all types of ginseng be the best solution for diabetes affairs. We must choose the option ginseng products and standardized by the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM)," he continued.

Dr. Yusuf said, we all have to do a good health habits to maintain normal blood sugar levels, namely by being ingenious according to the advice of the Ministry of Health.

Ingenious extension of routine health checks, get rid of cigarette smoke, diligent physical activity, a balanced diet, adequate rest and manage stress.

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