Sunday, November 15, 2015

Helping likes Can Boost Immune System

Helpfulness will boost one's immune system. According to a study conducted at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) and the University of North Carolina.

Referring to the researchers, people who like to help have a high level of welfare eudaimonik. This is evident from the gene expression profiles were positive in their immune cells, including gene expression lower inflammation and antibody genes and a powerful antiviral.

Conversely, individuals who hedonisnya high level of welfare, or happiness derived from the consumption of certain goods and satisfaction of self (self-gratification), shows the opposite. High inflammation gene expression, gene antibody and antiviralnya too weak.

Not that people are experiencing the hedonic welfare worse health than those who have a high eudaimonik welfare. Both seemed to have the same positive emotions high. Nevertheless, their genome responds so differently despite his emotional state were equally positive, '' said professor of medicine at UCLA, Steven Cole, as reported by the Daily Mail website recently.

According to investigators, do good to others and are happy with the condition themselves (feeling good), it gives a completely different effect on the genome / DNA of human, despite the same level of positive emotions.

'' Unexpectedly, the human genome is far more sensitive to differences in the way people respond to achieving happiness than her own mind, '' said Professor Cole.

To obtain a conclusion that, Steven Cole (professor of medicine at UCLA) and Barbara L Fredrickson (University of North Carolina) takes 10 years to observe how human genes respond to positive mental state. Previously most experts observed more human genes in response to fear, stress, suffering, and other negative mental conditions.

Both studied the biological effects of welfare and prosperity eudaimonik hedonists, by taking blood samples from 80 healthy adults, who have been questioned about the welfare and well-being hedonisnya eudaimonik. Likewise with negative psychological and behavioral factors them. Then the researchers used gene expression profiles of participants to map the biological effects of potential differences between welfare and welfare eudaimonik hedonist.

As a result, participants who experienced prosperity eudaimonik, showed positive expression profiles of genes in immune cells, and participants felt the hedonic welfare shows the opposite profile.

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