Sunday, November 29, 2015

5 Food glut that not Make You Fat

Dieting makes easy stomach hungry? For most people, diet is synonymous with starvation. But the smart eater out of fiber intake would make the hunger go away. The healthy eaters know the natural food which is the best source of fiber.
The problem with some high fiber foods also contain high fat and calories. If you want to eliminate hunger and lose weight there are some foods that are rich in fiber but low in calories and fat.
These foods are also easily found in the market or supermarket. Simultaneously easily be carried around in a bag.

Rose apple
Guava is a tropical fruit that contains only 45 calories with 5 grams of fiber per medium size. Guava can be eaten alone or made smoothies and juices.
Mix nuts with berries or citrus fruit to make a smoothie. It could also be added together with strawberry and pineapple guava smoothie. Want more savory taste, mix a bit of skim milk to smoothies.

Got a sweet tooth? Pears will satisfy curiosity sweet snack foods while providing the necessary fiber supply. One small sized pear contains only 85 calories but provides 5 grams of fiber.
However, some people avoid because it is difficult stored alias pear quickly decay. Though the selection of pear and proper storage methods make this fruit can last for months.

Berry Frozen Fruit
Berries also known as a glut of food. The price however is not always affordable. If the budget was tight, try to give the berries are frozen in the frozen food section.
Eg frozen blackberry fruit contains 97 calories and 8 grams of fiber for one cup size. Being frozen raspberries, the size of the cup has 64 calories and 8 grams of fiber.
Use this as a frozen berry fruit smoothies are high in fiber. Mix with orange for example.

Vegetable peas not the most interesting. But the peas are rich in fiber, inexpensive, and can be used at any time because it can be stored in the freezer.
Half a cup of peas contains 62 calories and 4.4 grams of fiber. The protein content is also reached 4 grams.
Peas can be used in many dishes, from salads, soups, or even sauteed with onions.

Yam is a fruit that is extremely rich in fiber. Small piece contains only 18 grams of fiber with only 140 calories and 3 grams of protein.
Jicama is also delicious eaten alone, as a salad, or made into pickles, quoted from

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