Sunday, November 8, 2015

Bleached teeth with Natural Ingredients It

Yellowish teeth to make your smile look bad. Operation whiten teeth sometimes be a solution to this problem.

But the truth is you simply do this as quoted from page Boldsky Thursday (5/11).

Eating strawberries
Strawberries contain lots of vitamin C and Malic Acid. Both of these can serve to whiten your teeth. Strawberry fruit contained in the material which can remove stains and plaque on the tooth surface. Crushed several pieces of strawberries and use the paste, rub on the teeth.

Flossing teeth
Dentists usually advise you to flossing twice a day, flossing can help reduce the formation of plaque on the teeth.

Eating fruits and vegetables
Eat more fruits and vegetables are crunchy because they act as a natural toothbrush. By chewing crunchy fruits that can remove bacteria from your mouth. It also helps you in getting rid of the stains on the tooth surface.

Use a straw
If you like to drink soda, you should use a straw because usually the content in soda can cause damage to the tooth enamel. So, use a straw to avoid discoloration on your teeth.

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