Sunday, November 13, 2016

Benefits of Resveratrol on to Blueberry Antioxidant Supplements

Resveratrol or the polyphenolic compounds found in blueberries, attractive healthcare industry as a raw material, for antioxidant supplements. President and CEO of Global livewell Bambang Muliana said health industry that produces skincare products today are taking resveratrol benefits of blueberries.

"Resveratrol is the greatest medical breakthrough after antibiotic, discovered by Harvard University. Resveratrol is a polyphenol compound found in plants and used in the medical field," he said in a statement on Saturday (12/11).

Bambang said that the compound works on the principle of reducing the oxidative damage and inflammatory cells. Including the fight against free radicals and premature aging caused by stress, caused by natural causes and the environment.

That is why a variety of healthcare industry in particular producing skincare products, are racing to create a product with resveratrol content of blueberries in order to meet consumer demand for anti aging products. Livewell including Global, a company based network business with personal care products also focus on taking advantage of resveratrol blueberries.

Bambang said that, through product Element + it wanted to introduce the benefits of resveratrol for the people of Indonesia. "In addition to containing resveratrol blueberry Element + also contains vegetable collagen, acai, pomegranate, sweet black cherry juice and green tea with bio-available form of gel is high. This product is also safe because it already has permission BPOM," he said.

Co-Founder at Geriatric Clinic Dessy Guyanto said Hendro, blue berries contain high antioxidants such as beta carotene and vitamin C and vitamin E, fiber, monounsaturated fat, iron, calcium, vitamin A and anthocyanins.

"The content was good help prevent cancer, boost the immune response, and accelerates the process of liver detoxification enzymes," he said.

Not only that, vitamin E contained in blueberries can protect humoral antibody, resistance to bacterial infections, boost the production of T-limfosis nekrosia factor tumors, and inhibit the mutagen menuaan.

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