Monday, November 14, 2016

Which is Healthier: Peanut Milk or Milk Cow

Currently available are various types of milk. In addition to cow's milk, there is soy milk, cashews, almonds, and coconut milk. Which are the most healthy?

"Depending on the manufacturer," said Sara Haas, a dietitian speaking on behalf of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. "I'm asking people to read the label on the package," he said.

Vegetarians may prefer milk from plants rather than animals. But judging from the content of nutrients, a recent study published in the Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition confirmed that milk from plant materials vary in terms of nutritional profiles.

The journal authors recommend children to drink cow's milk, unless they have a medical reason can not drink cow's milk.

One glass with milk as much as 220 grams of milk contains about eight grams of protein and a third of the recommended calcium intake. Cow's milk naturally contains potassium and vitamin B12 as well as fortified vitamins A and D.

In terms of nutrition, vegetable-based milk, in addition to soy milk, which contains no more than one gram of protein. Unless it is enriched milk protein.

Soy milk often contains protein as cow's milk, but contains no calcium. Although there are also calcium-fortified soy milk.

Coconut milk or coconut milk may include the poorest nutrition. There was no protein content. Coconut milk also contains very little calcium.

Milk like almond and cashew cashews do contain protein and calcium. Unfortunately, both the nutrients lost during processing.

To boost the nutritional profile, some manufacturers enrich it to increase the protein content, calcium phosphate or calcium carbonate and vitamins.

But today, experts are still debating whether the extra nutrients are absorbed and used efficiently by the body as well as nutrients that occurs naturally in food.

Calcium in cow's milk is naturally present in it and absorbed better by the body.

"Cow's milk contains lactose and casein which helps increase the absorption of calcium and calcium helps the absorption of vitamin D," said Sina Gallo, assistant professor of nutrition and food at George Mason University.

"There is a synergy between these foods. It all works together," he said.

The amount of vitamin D in the vegetable-based beverages varies. Studies from 2014 to 2831 children found that children who drank non-cow milk had higher levels of vitamin D in the blood were lower than those who drink cow's milk.

There are also other additives in vegetable-based beverages. Substances such as guar gum, xanthan gum or carrageenan are often added to increase the delicacy and softness of the drink.

Some of the additional substances associated with allergic reactions or digestive problems. The FDA had warned the danger of giving a beverage containing xanthan gum to infants.

Fat, sugar and sweeteners and calories must also be considered. The content is quite high in plant-based beverages.

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