Sunday, June 5, 2016

Nuts, Nutrition Source Sahabat Body

Although small in size, but the nuts are foods that have a variety of nutrients that make it worth mentioning as a friend of the body.

At a price much cheaper than animal protein, nuts contain protein and essential amino acids are high. Foodstuffs can also be used as a source of complex carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.

Nuts are also rich in saturated fats such as omega 3. tek These substances reduce the accumulation of fat in the blood vessels that lead to clogged arteries and hypertension.

Water insoluble fiber are other benefits of nuts. Red beans and green beans have the highest fiber content.

Given the many benefits of beans, at its Annual General Assembly of the 68th, the United Nations set 2016 as the International Year of Assorted Nuts.

Initiative to the assignment came from Pakistan and Turkey in consultation with other countries. The country believed that nuts play an important role in facing the challenges of food security and climate change while contributing to the supply source of a balanced diet and healthy.

Indonesian people, especially those living in the eastern region of eating nuts as part of their staple diet. In East Nusa Tenggara, catemak traditional maize is a staple food made of corn and beans.

"The time has come for us to go back and promote the richness and diversity in Indonesia through various types of dishes made from nuts. Nuts proved an important source of nutrition, healthful, and inexpensive, "said Jiwon Rhee, Associate Professional Officer at the Representative of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization in Indonesia.

The food shortages are still a major problem for many people and households in Indonesia, especially for those living in poor areas, where meat, dairy products, and fish hard to reach economically. Accordingly, nuts can be a solution to the problem of food shortages that occurred.

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