Sunday, March 24, 2019

Diet Bisa Gagal karena Kurang Minum Air Putih

Berbagai jenis diet. Mulai dari diet keto dengan meningkatkan konsumsi protein hewani, diet rendah lemak, diet OCD, hingga diet mayo dengan menghindari makanan yang mengandung garam dan jenis diet lainnya.

Tetapi semua jenis diet pasti gagal jika mereka tidak diimbangi dengan konsumsi air yang cukup. Menurut ahli urologi di University of California San Francisco Dr. Thomas Chi, kesalahan terbesar yang sering dilakukan oleh pelaku diet adalah terlalu banyak memperhatikan asupan makanan tetapi mengabaikan asupan air minum.

"Orang yang melakukan diet ekstrem, mereka cenderung memiliki kadar garam lebih tinggi dan kurang hidrasi," kata Chi seperti dikutip dari Fox News, Senin (25/3).

"Kandungan garam yang tinggi ini mungkin sangat bermasalah untuk diet yang kaya daging. Kekurangan air, dikombinasikan dengan peningkatan asupan daging, dapat menyebabkan komplikasi seperti batu ginjal," tambah Chi.

Namun ada cara sederhana untuk mengatasinya. Ahli penyakit dalam dan ahli gastroenterologi Kota New York, Dr. Sonpal Niket mengatakan tubuh manusia memiliki cara alami untuk memberi peringatan bahwa tubuh mengalami dehidrasi. Antara lain dengan munculnya rasa haus.

"Haus adalah peringatan bagi tubuh alami kita bahwa kita kehabisan cairan, Anda harus merespons sesegera mungkin," kata Sonpal.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Four Science Facts About Celery Juice Trends

Celery juice is increasingly becoming a trend and echoing on social media. Celery juice is believed to increase nutrition. This includes helping intestinal microbiomes, a combination of bacteria, and other microflora to make the intestines work properly. But is this claim completely true?

Celery juice, like all other vegetable juices, actually cannot cure all diseases and is not a miracle drug. After all, it's only about crispy green drinks and it tastes very good especially if you add peanut butter.

It is always important to separate truth from sensations when there is a health trend. Especially if claims made are not supported by research carried out correctly by leading scientists. It is important to note that the human intestine is a very complex and individual organ. Let's see what the science of celery juice says as reported by page Bustle.

1. Can inhibit intestinal inflammation

According to a study in the Nutrition Research Reviews, celery contains luteolin. There are also many similar ingredients in carrots, peppers, olive oil, peppermint, and rosemary. The content is known to have positive health effects, both for the intestines and other organs.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Lima Makanan Baik untuk Masalah Ginjal

Penyakit ginjal adalah masalah umum yang mempengaruhi sekitar 10 persen populasi dunia. Ginjal adalah organ kecil yang berbentuk seperti kacang tetapi memiliki banyak fungsi penting.

Ginjal berfungsi sebagai penyaring limbah makanan, melepaskan hormon yang mengatur tekanan darah, menyeimbangkan cairan dalam tubuh, memproduksi urin, dan banyak tugas penting lainnya. Ada berbagai cara di mana organ vital ini dapat menjadi rusak. Diabetes dan tekanan darah tinggi, misalnya adalah faktor risiko paling umum untuk penyakit ginjal. Tetapi obesitas, merokok, genetika, jenis kelamin, dan usia juga dapat meningkatkan risiko.

Ketika ginjal tidak berfungsi dengan baik, sisa makanan bisa menumpuk di dalam darah. Karena itu, penting bagi penderita penyakit ginjal untuk mengikuti diet khusus. Orang dengan masalah ginjal membutuhkan nutrisi seperti natrium, kalium, fosfor, dan protein.

Meski perlu konsultasi karena stadium penyakit ginjal bisa berbeda untuk pasien, untungnya banyak pilihan makanan lezat dan sehat bagi mereka yang bermasalah dengan ginjal. Berikut adalah lima daftar makanan yang direkomendasikan oleh halaman Healthline.

1. Kembang kol

Kembang kol adalah sayuran bergizi yang kaya akan banyak nutrisi termasuk vitamin C, vitamin K, dan vitamin B folat. Sayuran juga mengandung senyawa antiinflamasi yang sangat baik seperti indole dan sumber serat. Selain itu, kembang kol dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti kentang untuk lauk kalium rendah.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Hindari Gangguan Kesehatan Mental dengan Jamur, Caranya

Selain memiliki rasa yang enak, jamur ternyata memiliki manfaat kesehatan saat dikonsumsi. Salah satunya adalah manfaat untuk kesehatan mental.

Manfaat jamur bagi kesehatan mental diungkapkan oleh tim peneliti dari Universitas Nasional Singapura yang telah melakukan penelitian dari 2011 hingga 2017. Berdasarkan penelitian pada lebih dari 600 warga Singapura berusia 60 tahun, konsumsi jamur dapat menjaga kesehatan mental.

Berdasarkan penelitian ini, konsumsi lebih dari dua porsi jamur per minggu dapat mengurangi risiko gangguan kognitif ringan hingga 57 persen lebih rendah daripada mereka yang jarang makan jamur. Dua porsi sajian jamur setara dengan 300 gram jamur.

Peneliti senior dari Departemen Biokimia NUS Dr. Irwin Cheah menilai manfaat jamur bagi kesehatan mental tidak terlepas dari kandungan di dalamnya. Cheah mengatakan jamur kaya akan senyawa yang disebut ergothioneine.

Senyawa ergothioneine bertindak sebagai agen antioksidan dan agen anti-inflamasi. Senyawa ini juga dapat melindungi sel-sel otak dari kerusakan.

Dalam sebuah studi terpisah pada tahun 2016, Dr. Cheah dan tim penelitinya menemukan bahwa kekurangan ergothioneine dapat menjadi faktor risiko penyakit neurodegeneratif. Salah satu contoh adalah Alzheimer.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Apparently, Sports Remain Beneficial as Old as Anything Begins

For those who are not familiar, exercising feels burdensome. They are just called to be more active in moving after a long time has passed.

Is there a word "late" to feel the benefits of exercise? The good news is that the word is not in the sports dictionary.

No matter how old we start, exercise will still bring benefits to the body. Research at the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has provided evidence of these claims.

Sports studies usually record the level of physical activity of people at one point in time, such as when young, middle age or more. However, NIH post-doctoral researcher Pedro Saint-Maurice and his colleagues wanted to find out whether the benefits of exercise changed if people remained active for most of their lives or grew active or shrunk in time.

"We don't know much about long-term participation in sports. How do you maintain an active lifestyle, or go down and up again, or stay at a low level of activity that has an impact on health risks?" Saint-Maurice said, quoted from Time, Saturday (9/3).

In a study published in JAMA Network Open, researchers asked more than 315 thousand United States adults aged 50 and 71 years. Participants get questions about leisure time activities at four different points in their lives, aged 15-18 years, 19-29 years, 35-39 years, and 40-61 years.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Air Pollution Becomes Deadly Killer Every Year

Seperti dilansir Arab News, Selasa (12/3), peneliti di Jerman dan Siprus memperkirakan polusi udara menyebabkan 8,8 juta lebih banyak kematian pada tahun 2015. Angka itu hampir dua kali lipat dari perkiraan sebelumnya, yaitu 4,5 juta kematian. Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia memperkirakan bahwa merokok membunuh sekitar tujuh juta orang per tahun di seluruh dunia.

Fokus utama dari penelitian ini dilakukan di Asosiasi Kardiologi Eropa. Para peneliti menemukan bahwa polusi udara menyebabkan sekitar 790 ribu kematian di Eropa. Dari jumlah tersebut, antara 40 dan 80 persen disebabkan oleh penyakit kardiovaskular, seperti serangan jantung dan stroke.

"Karena sebagian besar partikel dan polutan udara lainnya di Eropa berasal dari pembakaran bahan bakar fosil, kita perlu beralih ke sumber lain segera untuk menghasilkan energi," kata para penulis dari Institut Max-Plank untuk Kimia di Mainz dan Institut Nicosia Siprus, Siprus, Prof. Jos Lelieveld.

Lelieveld menjelaskan, penggunaan energi bersih dan terbarukan berarti bahwa itu sejalan dengan Perjanjian Paris untuk mengurangi dampak perubahan iklim. Selain itu, energi terbarukan juga dapat mengurangi angka kematian terkait polusi udara di Eropa hingga 55 persen.

Studi yang diterbitkan dalam European Heart Journal ini berfokus pada ozon dan polusi partikel terkecil, yang dikenal sebagai PM2.5. Partikel polusi sangat berbahaya bagi kesehatan karena dapat menembus ke dalam paru-paru dan dapat memasuki pembuluh darah. Para peneliti mengatakan data baru menunjukkan efek kesehatan berbahaya PM2.5 jauh lebih buruk daripada yang diperkirakan sebelumnya.

Para peneliti menyimpulkan penyebab utama penyakit pernapasan dan kardiovaskular adalah PM2.5. Oleh karena itu, hasil penelitian mendesak pengurangan batas atas untuk PM2.5 di Uni Eropa, yang saat ini ditetapkan pada 25 mikrogram per meter kubik atau 2,5 kali lebih tinggi dari pedoman WHO.

"Di Eropa, nilai maksimum yang diizinkan terlalu tinggi," kata Lelieveld dan rekan penulis Prof. Thomas Munzel dari Departemen Kardiologi di Mainz Medical Center di Jerman. Munzel mengatakan Amerika Serikat, Australia, dan Kanada membuat pedoman WHO sebagai dasar untuk merumuskan undang-undang, yang juga diperlukan di UE.

Di seluruh dunia, polusi udara menyebabkan lebih dari 120 kematian per 100 ribu orang per tahun. Kematian di beberapa bagian Eropa berada pada tingkat yang lebih tinggi hingga 200 per 100.000 orang. "Untuk menempatkan ini (masalah) ke dalam perspektif, ini berarti bahwa polusi udara menyebabkan lebih banyak kematian dalam setahun daripada merokok. Merokok dapat dihindari tetapi polusi udara tidak," kata Munzel.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Be Careful with Lemon Ornaments at Restaurants

Some restaurants often make lemon slices as garnishes in drinks. Some people often put the lemon in a drink, even suck it directly. But wait a minute, not the benefits of lemons obtained, it's the problem of germs.

A 2007 study published in the Journal of Environmental Health tested 76 lemons from 27 restaurants for germs and other dirty objects. As a result, almost 70 percent of lemon slices contain viruses, bacteria, and other microbes, including E. coli.

Although lemon is a natural germ killer, it does not mean that the lemon cannot be contaminated. So, putting lemon slices into a drink can be a silly way to make a problem with the body.

Another investigation conducted by ABC investigations examined lemons from 10 different restaurants. The results of the investigation found that more than half of lemon slices contained human waste.

Health standards in restaurants tend to be less strict for decoration and thus lemon slices in drinks are more likely to have more bacteria than food on a plate. The researchers found, chefs in restaurants often take lemons without gloves, meaning that if they don't clean their hands after using the bathroom or touch other germs, there is a high chance that they will transfer the germs to the lemon.

8 Benefits of Cinnamon Milk

When you hear the word cinnamon that you think about is the sweet taste and the aroma of the wood that comes out. Cinnamon is an herb produced from the inside of Cinnamomum verum bark.

Cinnamon is rich in antioxidants, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory sources, and other good compounds. This makes cinnamon one of the best spices in the world.

Cinnamon milk is simply mixing cinnamon into milk. In India, cinnamon milk is used to treat various diseases. In addition, cinnamon enriches the taste of milk.

Reported on Boldsky, cinnamon is rich in calcium, fiber, vitamin B6, magnesium, iron, vitamin A, carbohydrates, and vitamin A. Milk has calcium, magnesium, conalamin, potassium, sodium, and carbohydrates. Adding a little cinnamon to food or drinks not only enriches the taste, but also adds nutrients to health. The following are the benefits of consuming cinnamon milk.

Improve Oral Health

Cinnamon contains essential oils that can protect the mouth from bacteria that cause bad breath, damage to teeth and cavities, and also mouth infections. Based on studies, essential oils have antibacterial which can fight the bad bacteria found in the mouth.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Not the salt that needs to be watched out

The use of salt in a variety of food offerings seems unavoidable. Salt is in bread, pizza, soup, and packaged foods to restaurant food.

Salt is indeed needed to add flavor. However, recently, experts suggested that the public be careful with the salt present in these foods.

What you should watch out for salt is not the salty taste, but sodium or sodium levels. A report from the US National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine links the recommended limits for sodium with a reduced risk of chronic disease. The report, is expected to be a guide for policy makers and a guideline for reducing salt.

"By reducing salt, it is the same as reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, at least the limit for adults is only recommended 2,300 mg a day," the report said as reported by the AP on Wednesday (6/3).

Previously, the recommended limit was based on the threshold used by experts to show various potential adverse effects. Now, the report says the upper intake level will indicate a threshold for potential toxicity.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Okinawa Diet Can Help You Reach 100 Years of Age

Diet is usually done by reducing the amount of carbohydrates consumed. Now there is a new diet pattern that changes the trend above, even this diet can make longevity.

Residents in the Okinawa region, a collection of several islands in southern Japan, are one of the regions with the highest living population in the world. Reported in the Daily Mail, in recent years, Okinawa residents who touched the age of 90 years dropped dramatically.

Medical research says this happens because of changes in dietary patterns and excessive consumption of processed foods. The Okinawa diet basically makes yams a staple food and consumes high amounts of yellow and green vegetables.

While protein is consumed in minimal amounts, it is usually soybeans and fish. Nuts are also eaten in small amounts. This excess diet has been highlighted by the Okinawa Centenarian Study (OCS).

Studies say this diet is a diet low in refined carbohydrates and high in fiber. This dietary arrangement is understood to be anti-inflammatory and hence helps prevent age-related diseases, including some cancers, heart disease, and Alzheimer's.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Treatment with Food to Cure Disease

Choosing healthy food is a recommendation to keep the body healthy and not getting sick. With the development of research, food is currently becoming a therapeutic treatment to support a person's recovery when sick.

The therapy is the Geisinger Program which was launched in 2017 by the Geisinger Health System in one of the hospitals owned by the Fresh Food Farmacy community. This community provides healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean meat and low-sodium choices for patients in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, and teaches them how to incorporate these foods into their daily diet.

The Geisinger program is one of a number of breakthrough efforts that ultimately regard food as an important part of patient medical care. This program also treats food as a medicine that can have the power to heal.

More research reveals that human health is broader than the drugs they drink and tests performed. Health is influenced by how many people sleep and exercise, how much stress they carry, and what they eat each meal.

Food is a special focus of doctors, hospitals, insurance companies, even entrepreneurs who are frustrated by the slow progress of drug treatment in reducing food related diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and cancer. They are also driven by the growth of research that supports the idea that when people eat well, it will remain healthy and more likely to control chronic diseases and may avoid them altogether.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Benefits of Consumption of Watermelon during Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an important phase in a woman's life. Therefore a woman must maintain her physical health condition as well as the fetus in her womb.

One of them is by managing your diet by applying a balanced diet. In a balanced diet, fruit is an important part. The fruit that is recommended during pregnancy is watermelon. This fruit contains a lot of water. In addition, many vitamins in it, including vitamins C, A and B complex.

Watermelon also contains magnesium and potassium. With a water content of more than 90 percent, consuming watermelon is recommended for losing weight, launching a bowel movement or preventing constipation and hydrating the body.

Watermelon is also high in fiber. Therefore, watermelon is an ideal snack during pregnancy. Watermelon can help keep hunger and make you full longer.

Other benefits of watermelon for pregnant women, including.

Control nausea

As reported by Boldsky, Friday (1/3), during pregnancy women will experience morning sickness, which is a feeling of nausea and even vomiting in the morning. Watermelon can be consumed directly or in the form of juice. Drink after waking up in the morning. This will help make the early days of pregnant women fresh and soothing.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Fruit, Coffee, Tea Can Also Reduce Cancer Risk

Besides there are foods that are harmful to the body and can increase the risk of cancer, there are also foods that can actually reduce the risk of getting cancer. These foods are rich in nutrients to potentially prevent cancer.

Reporting from the Business Insider page, to reduce the risk of cancer, you can eat healthy foods that are rich in nutrients from fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts. Besides helping to stay full and well-nourished, fibrous foods reduce your risk of colon cancer. The health of the large intestine will keep everything running smoothly in the digestive system.

Vegetables and fruits colored like celery, kale, carrots and tomatoes contain beneficial phytochemicals. That's what gives them color, smell, and taste.

Phytochemicals reduce inflammation and act like swallowed body guards, keeping things from being eaten, drinking and breathing so as not to become carcinogens. Phytochemicals can also help prevent DNA damage and repair it.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Pomegranate Helps Lower High Blood Pressure

Stress because work and daily life can lead to blood pressure problems. Having high blood pressure can reduce the schedule and limit yourself.

No wonder high blood pressure is called the silent killer. Because there are no signs that can help control the disease in its early days.

Limiting salt consumption is mentioned as a way to keep blood pressure levels organized. In addition, it can also be consumed with pomegranates.

According to a study in the UK, drinking a glass of pomegranate juice every day can reduce drastic systolic readings. This study survey was conducted on a number of people.

They were given 500 ml of pomegranate juice every day for four weeks and after that they reported a sharp decrease in their blood pressure levels. These people also noted a decrease in their weight level and felt less bloated than usual.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Press Cancer Risk with Onions

Onions are often used in various dishes to add flavor. No wonder that many recipes use onions, both onion, onion and garlic.

Apart from that, the onion which is a vegetable from the genus Allium turns out to have health benefits. Several previous studies revealed vegetables from the genus Allium contain bioactive substances such as flavanols and organosulfur.

Recent research also shows a link between consumption of onions and prevention of cancer, especially colorectal cancer. This study was conducted by a research team from First Hospital of Chinal Medical University and has been published in the Asia Pacific Journal of Cinical Oncology.

Based on a study involving 833 colorectal cancer patients and 833 healthy people, the research team found a significant relationship between the level of consumption of allium or onion vegetables and the risk of colorectal cancer. According to this study, adults who ate the highest allium vegetables had a 79 percent lower risk of colorectal cancer than adults who ate a small amount of allium vegetables.

"The more the amount (consumption) of allium vegetables, the better the protection," said senior researcher Dr. Zhi Li as reported by Medical News Today.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Benefits of Salt for Skin Health

Salt has been used more as a cooking ingredient. But not many know that salt can be used to maintain healthy skin, one of which is powerful enough to make skin glow.

In addition to glowing skin, broadcast Femina Inn, here are some benefits of salt for the skin if routinely applied.

1. Skin peels naturally

Salt is natural exfoliation as well as sugar. On the face, salt helps lift dead skin and lightens the complexion. Salt can also make the skin softer and improve skin texture over time.

2. Clean thoroughly

Unlike sugar, salt has antimicrobial properties. This content makes the bacteria unable to grow properly. The antimicrobial content helps kill and destroy bacteria.

3. Balancing oil levels in the skin

The combination of absorbency and antibacterial effects on salt can help deal with acne. This combination can even balance oil levels on the skin of the face. To get this benefit, the use of any salt infusion product in the form of toner is highly recommended.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Five Superfoods Missed

Diet keto menjadi lebih populer di kalangan masyarakat. Tagar untuk diet ini juga menjamur di media sosial.

Makanan keto terdiri dari sekitar 70-80 persen lemak, sekitar 20 persen protein, dan sekitar lima bara. Itu berarti karbohidrat baik dan buruk pada diet keto. "Buah-buahan, sayuran bertepung dan umbi-umbian seperti parsnip, kacang-kacangan, lentil, pemanis, makanan yang dipanggang, jus, smoothie," kata Ahli Gizi pada Pelatih Makanan di Kota New York, Carolyn Brown, RD, Kesehatan. .

Membatasi asupan karbohidrat dari roti putih dan makanan panggang ide yang buruk. Namun, jika Anda ingin mengonsumsi vitamin, Anda bisa mengonsumsi vitamin dan mineral yang penting.

Di bawah ini adalah lima makanan kaya yang memberikan manfaat kesehatan yang besar, tetapi tidak bersahabat dengan diet keto:


"Apa pun diet terbaik untuk Anda, sayuran harus benar-benar di garis depan dan membuat setengah dari piring Anda," kata Brown. Berkaitan dengan kemampuannya untuk mengatasi masalah kronis, menyediakan serat, fitonutrien, dan jumlah besar yang bisa kita pertahankan tetap kenyang.
Misalnya dalam wortel, setengah cangkir wortel kecil atau wortel bayi (sekitar enam) menghasilkan enam gram, sekitar 10 persen dari asupan harian yang diberikan untuk diet keto, yaitu sekitar 50 gram per hari.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

White Water Increases Thinking Ability

No doubt some drinks such as green tea, juice or smoothies have health benefits. However, there are also other drinks that can cause problems such as energy drinks.

A number of energy drinks when consumed in large quantities can make the heart beat irregular and make the drinker always feel anxious. Not many realize, water that seems simple actually provides tremendous benefits.

Increasing the consumption of water even affects one's thinking process. In one study, respondents consisting of adults did a test that tested cognitive abilities.

Previously, they were asked to fast for one night. Participants who drank 500 milliliters of water before the test showed cognitive improvement when asked to make a decision.

Previous research has shown how drinking water affects moods when participants are faced with a number of problems. Participants can respond quickly.

Monday, February 11, 2019

This Food Helps Eliminate Fat from the Digestive System

Some foods can regulate your digestion. You can also add this food to your long-term diet because it can burn fat.

Then what are these foods? First is Bali Oranges. This fruit can get rid of fat quickly from your digestive system.

You can maximize fiber intake by consuming it in fresh form. Drinking a glass of pomelo juice can provide the benefits of burning fat,

In the journal "European Journal of Nutrition" published in March 2011 explaining the components in grapefruit, Naringen stimulates the production of amino acid carnitine. Carnitine allows your body to burn fat faster, according to the "Journal of Physiology" published in April 2011.

But that must be considered, as reported by the Strong Live, Monday (11/2), avoid consuming sweet grapefruit products. Also avoid adding refined sugars in pomelo juice.

Second, chili. Chili has a unique capacity to increase thermogenesis or the number of calories you burn when digesting food.

Capsaicin, a compound in chili increases your metabolism up to 20 minutes after consuming it. You can also use chili as a substitute for saturated fat, sodium or sugar to spice up your soup and sauce. This can reduce fat content and make a healthier diet.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Know the 5 Healthy Benefits of Lemongrass

Lemongrass is one of the kitchen spices that is quite commonly used in Indonesian dishes. Besides being able to improve the taste of cuisine, lemongrass also has many health benefits.

The health benefits of lemongrass come from various healthy ingredients in this herbal plant. One of them, lemongrass is known to be high in antioxidants which can effectively control cholesterol in the body.

The composition of nutrients in lemongrass is quite good, especially for the body and mind. Inside the lemongrass is vitamin B1, vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B6 and folate. Lemongrass is also a good source of minerals, especially minerals such as zinc, iron, copper, potassium and calcium.

Natural Food Series has summarized various healthful benefits of lemongrass for the body. The following are five benefits.

Relieve insomnia

Lemongrass tea and lemongrass oil are effective in calming the nerves. Both can facilitate sleep while improving sleep quality. There's nothing wrong with drinking a glass of lemongrass tea which is added a few drops of lemongrass essential oil before going to sleep to sleep better.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Not Only Trendy, Cheese Coffee Turns Many Benefits

Following the popularity of cheese tea, a cheese coffee drink that combines cheese and coffee is now starting to gain popularity. Although it looks like a strange combination, cheese coffee is considered to have a very delicious taste.

Not only that, cheese coffee drinks are also considered to have several health benefits. Here are three benefits of cheese coffee drinks, as reported by Timesnow News.

Helps Lose Weight

Coffee is considered as one type of beverage that can help efforts to lose weight because of the amount of calories. As is known, there are only about two calories in a cup of black coffee.

Cheese may have more calories than black coffee, but cheese also contains a variety of vitamins and minerals. Cheese also has a good amount of protein and saturated fat. Therefore, cheese coffe drinks are considered to be one of the delicious beverage options for losing weight.

Low Carbohydrate

Coffee does not contain carbohydrates. On the other hand, 100 grams of cheese only contain 1.3 grams of carbohydrates. In other words, cheese coffee drinks have a fairly low carbohydrate content.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Fasting Increases Metabolism and Against Aging

Recent studies to explore the effects of fasting on the human body have concluded that fasting increases metabolic activity more than previously realized. In addition, fasting can also provide anti-aging benefits.

Research shows alternating fasting can help certain people lose weight. However, researchers are still in the debate regarding how to effectively fast to lose weight. This new research provides clues to other benefits.

For example in mice, studies show fasting can increase age. Although interesting, this evidence in humans has not been seen. The latest study, which the author has now published in the journal Scientific Reports, is getting new facts with fasting diets in humans.

"Recently aging studies have shown that calorie restriction and fasting extend the effect on age in animal models, but the mechanism in detail remains a mystery," said the study's first author Takayuki Teruya, reported on Medical News Today, Tuesday (5/2).

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

What Fat to Eat

When people hear the word fat, many people immediately raise a red flag around it. It is important to know that 30 percent of the food consumed must contain fat. Because cell membranes and everything in the body grow with the help of fat.

You have two choices, fats that do not have additional health benefits or fats that have additional health. Which one will you choose?

"On the way to motivating many people to have healthier lifestyles, I want to invite many individuals to shift their focus to better fat," said Nutritionist Emilia Achmadi, during the Bertolli media gathering in Jakarta, some time ago.

He said the average person with a healthy weight is recommended to get around 20 to 35 percent of the daily calorie intake from good fat. Besides functioning as a fuel for your body, fat also plays an important role in improving brain function. Believe it or not, 70 percent of the composition of the brain is fat, so supplementing a diet with good fat is very important.

"Fat is good for you. Current fat is not limited to what percentage for consumption. What is the maximum percentage but adjust to your needs and choose healthy fats," he added.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

This is the Natural Way to Prevent DHF

Head of the Bandung City Health Office, Rita Verita, asked the public to be alert to the potential of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF). Residents are encouraged to help prevent the breeding of mosquitoes that cause DHF, Aedes Aegpty in their environment.

Rita said there were many efforts to prevent the development of the Aedes Aegpty mosquito. He encouraged people to try natural ways to prevent dengue. Starting from maintaining betta fish and planting plants that are not liked by mosquitoes.

"Betta fish is indeed one of the mosquito larvae-eating animals, so it's good if you have a fish pond accompanied by maintaining this betta fish," said Rita in Bandung Answering at City Hall Historical Park, Thursday (1/31).

Because of the benefits of betta fish, it encourages people to keep betta fish in ponds or aquariums. So that it can inhibit the breeding of mosquitoes.

In addition to betta fish, he said, there are several plants that can be an alternative to avoid mosquitoes. This plant can be planted around the house so that it helps prevent mosquito bites from starting at home.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

5 Sports Burn Fat without Burdening the Knee

 Burning excess fat in the body doesn't always have to be high impact exercise. Sports that seem 'relaxed' and do not overload the joints of the body can also be used to burn fat.

Healthline revealed that there are at least five types of low impact sports that can burn fat effectively. The following are the five types of exercise.


Swimming is a type of exercise that is the most 'friendly' to the joints of the body. Even so, swimming can burn quite a lot of calories.

Buoyancy from water helps reduce pressure on the body. On the other hand, swimming movements involve cardio training, strength and flexibility at the same time.

Free swimming movements even remain useful for training the muscles at the top and bottom of the body, especially the shoulders, triceps, pec and quadriceps and stomach. No wonder swimming has been named one of the best sports in the world.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

5 Healthy Benefits Behind Red Onions

Shallot is one type of food that is quite often used in various Indonesian specialties. The distinctive aroma can add to the delicacy of the cuisine as well as appetizing.

In addition, red onion has several health benefits. As is known, red onion belongs to the genus of onions.

Allium is a genus of onions which is known for its diverse nutritional and antioxidant content. Therefore, it is not surprising that red onion has several health benefits. The following are the health benefits of shallots as reported by Food Fact by Mercola.

Reducing Cancer Risk

One of the biggest benefits of onion comes from its high antioxidant content. Antioxidants can reduce the risk of several types of cancer.

Shallot is known to contain several types of antioxidants such as quercetin, kemferol and some sulfur antioxidants. These various antioxidants will work together when red onions are cut during preparation for cooking and form a new compound called allicin. Allicin makes red onion has good cancer fighting properties.

Improve blood circulation

Shallots are also known to be rich in iron and copper. Both are minerals that are known to increase red blood cell production.

Monday, January 28, 2019

A row of healthy benefits for bitter food consumption

Many people may not like bitter foods such as bitter melon or papaya leaves. The bitter taste of bitter melon or other green vegetables makes your appetite decrease because you have already imagined how bitter it will feel in your mouth when it is consumed.

However, who would have thought bitter food turned out to have some benefits that are good for health. Launching Best Health on Thursday (1/24/2019), here are 5 bitter food benefits for health that you need to know.

Balancing appetite

Eating bitter foods such as bitter melon or other green vegetables that have a bitter taste can train and balance our appetite to like foods that are healthier than foods that contain sugar and we normally consume. "Every time you eat whole foods including bitter vegetables, it adds to your appetite for nutritious foods," explained Theresa Albert, a nutritionist in Toronto.

Helps absorb nutrients

A professional dietitian from Halifax, NS, Nicole Dube, says bitter foods and herbs help stimulate digestion and support food digestion.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Breakfast with Eggs, Experts Suggest Don't Remove Yellow

Eggs are not only delicious but also very healthy. Not surprisingly, many types of dishes use eggs as the main ingredient. Each form of processed eggs, from boiled, omelette to omelette, there are always fans of each.

Eggs are known to be rich in protein. People who are on a diet or adopt a healthy lifestyle rely heavily on nutritional intake from eggs. Eggs with a mixture of vegetables and extra wheat bread, are effective enough to make the stomach feel full longer.

Most people believe that eating egg yolks can have an adverse effect on health. So that not a few who try to avoid it. In fact, eating egg yolks can help meet the needs of daily protein intake.

Broadcast the Times of India, someone will get 6 grams of protein because they consume one whole egg. While avoiding egg yolks, one only gets about 4 grams of protein.

Protein is very important for losing weight. On the other hand, protein is needed to build muscle. Experts suggest that someone should consume 60-90 grams of protein every day.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

3 Foods that Can Not Be Eaten Raw.

There are many foods and ingredients that we should avoid being raw or undercooked. That is because cross contamination or poison can occur. Here are five of them that you should know, such as those published by the Medical Daily News, Tuesday (1/22).

Last month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the US issued an important warning ahead of the holiday season. The warning contains a prohibition on tasting or eating raw cookie dough.

One reason is that the raw egg which is usually mixed in the cake mixture can contain salmonella bacteria. Flour can also contain harmful types of bacteria such as E coli. This contamination is probably due to exposure to animal waste in and around the wheat fields.


Raw potatoes, especially green or sprout ones, produce solanine. Toxic alkaloids can cause diarrhea, nausea, cramps, and headaches. In rare cases, even causing life-threatening effects, you are not recommended to eat potatoes that are still green even if cooked.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Going Up the Ladder Can Improve Heart Health

There is no more reason not to exercise because new research has found a few minutes up the stairs every day is enough to improve cardiovascular health and the whole body. Some of the studies show many health benefits from that short exercise.

For example, a review of existing studies, shows that the period of acute exercise can immediately protect the heart against future ischemic episodes. Other recent research shows that 10 minutes of physical activity is enough to give a boost to the brain, increasing attention, working memory, and cognitive flexibility among other mental skills.

As reported by Medical News Today, Tuesday (1/22), research now shows climbing ladder intervals that last several minutes with recovery periods including, can increase cardiorespiratory health.

A professor of kinesiology at McMaster University in Hamilton Canada Martin Gibala, PhD is the senior author of this new study. His writing appears in the journal Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism.

Monday, January 21, 2019

The Main Benefits of Eating Fish for Pregnant Women

Pregnant women always want the best for their fetal growth. Everything is done so that the baby can be born healthy and perfect. Consult a doctor can be a solution.

In addition, regular exercise and a healthy diet are always sought so that the baby's growth increases. That's because having a smart child is certainly a pride for all parents in the world.

Whether we realize it or not, research shows that pregnant women who eat fish will improve their brain development. Research says eating fish during pregnancy benefits neuropsychology (brain function) and cognitive.

Quoted from Livestrong, mothers who consume approximately 200 grams of fish such as salmon per week during pregnancy have an effect on neuropsychological development for the child. "Two hundred grams is about seven ounces (about the size of two decks of cards), so it's enough to eat two fish a week," the study said.

Although eating fish is very good, not all of them can be eaten by pregnant women.

Of course, pregnant women should avoid mackerel, tuna and swordfish because of excessive levels of mercury, which can actually harm nerve development in the developing brain tissue of the fetus.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Control Blood Sugar Before Getting Diabetes

Everyone needs to control blood sugar levels in the body. If you already have diabetes, you should take medication and inject insulin to control it.

Diabetes is a disease that is indiscriminate, ranging from children to parents at risk for experiencing it. Therefore, controlling blood sugar or checking regularly must be done.

An internal medicine specialist Sidartawan Soegondo said diabetes could not be underestimated because he felt he had been treated. Diabetes mellitus is a disease that is classified as a silent killer and is very deadly if complications occur.

"Sickness (diabetes mellitus) must be controlled. It is not medical treatment then given medicine, then it is correct. It must always be controlled, especially if the sugar drops or not after taking medicine," said Sidartawan at the Elvansense launch in Jakarta, Saturday (1/19).

In addition to checking regularly, adjusting your diet and doing physical activity is very important. This aims to suppress the surge in blood sugar levels so as not to increase rapidly after consuming certain foods.

"If you need to use insulin, use it. There are certain groups that use insulin and check blood seven times. So why should you check blood sugar? So you can prevent complications from happening," explained Sidartawan.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Science Reveals Health Benefits of Black Pepper

Black pepper is one of the kitchen spices that is very often used in a variety of dishes. Besides being able to add flavor, black pepper can also be healthy for the body.

A study has found an absence between marinade and black pepper marinade by eliminating the heterocyclic amine (HCA) chemical compound in meat that is burned or cooked at high temperatures. HCA is a cancer-causing chemical compound that forms when meat is burned or cooked at high temperatures.

According to a team of researchers from Kansas State University, a mixture of 1 gram of fine black pepper in every 100 grams of minced meat can eliminate almost all HCA formation in meat during the cooking process.

Comparison of 1 gram of black pepper for 100 grams of meat may give a feeling that is too strong for some people. Alternatively, 1 gram of full black pepper can be replaced with a mixture of pepper, oregano, rosemary and several other herbs.

Black pepper is also known to be beneficial in promoting the digestive process. This has at least been proven in several animal studies. Some of these studies show that black pepper can stimulate secretions from digestive enzymes that can provide a sense of satiety after eating while facilitating the transit of food in the digestive tract.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Three Reasons Why Cheese is Good for the Body

Cheese is often considered not included in the category of healthy food. This assumption is contrary to what many people believe about the original ingredients, milk. Milk is considered to contain several important nutrients for the human body.

Actually consuming too much cheese is indeed less recommended, especially if you want to reduce saturated fat. However, cheese contains important vitamins and minerals. For that reason, health experts recommend putting a little cheese in your food.

"Cheese is often called high in calories, fat, saturated and salt, but it is also packed with various other nutrients," said nutritionist Juliette Kellow.

It's common knowledge to call food 'good' or 'bad' when people talk about diet and nutrition. This has caused some foods to get a bad reputation. "It's even 100 percent natural like cheese," added Rob Hobson, nutritionist and head of Nutrition at Healthspan.

If eaten in moderation, cheese turns out to have many health benefits. Here are three reasons to include cheese in your food, according to the Express page.

Good for teeth

Cheese has high calcium levels and is very important for healthy bones and teeth. According to Bill Schaeffer, dental surgeon and co-founder of The Implant Center, calcium helps shape teeth and also contributes to a strong jawbone.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Researcher: Beware of E Coli Bacteria in Broiler Chicken Meat

The results of a joint study by the Indonesia One Health University Network (INDOHUN), Udayana One Health Collaborating Center (Udayana OHCC), and the Provincial Animal Husbandry and Animal Health Service found Escherichia Coli bacteria isolated in broiler chicken which is widely consumed by the public.

Dr. Ni Nyoman Sri Budayanti as a member of the OHCC Udayana representative revealed that the results of the study also showed an increase in immunity of more than 90 percent of at least three types of antibiotics tested 11. The three types of antibiotics are ampicillin, amoxicillin and erythromycin. Whereas for nalidixic acid, an antibiotic that is often used to treat urinary tract infections in humans, there has been an increase in immunity up to 50 percent.

The problem is that these antibiotics are the most widely used antibiotics in the community and can often be purchased without a prescription.

"The most worrying thing about the results of the study is that 2.4 percent of E. coli bacteria are resistant to cephalosporin antibiotics. These bacteria will produce enzymes that can neutralize all cephalosporin group antibiotics," said Ni Nyoman Sri Budayanti.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Benefits of Sweet Potatoes for Health

Who doesn't know sweet potatoes? This food source is not foreign to most Indonesian people.

You can easily get it in traditional markets or supermarkets. However, before buying it, you need to know some of the benefits of sweet potatoes.

Sweet potatoes contain unique health benefits. "In general, the more colors you can add to foods derived from fruits and vegetables, the better," said a sports dietician, Yasi Ansari in Los Angeles and San Francisco. However, many nutritional benefits are not a reason to eat fried sweet potatoes at every opportunity.

Reported in Time, this is what you need to know about how healthy sweet potatoes are, plus the best way to put them in the diet. "All potatoes are nutrient-rich and healthy for you," said dietitian and owner of BZ Nutrition, Brigitte Zeitlin in New York.

Sweet potatoes have lower calories and carbohydrates than potatoes. In addition, it is also higher in vitamin A and antioxidants that boost immunity and help you maintain healthy skin and vision. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, one sweet potato provides more than 100 percent of the recommended daily vitamin A rations.

Sweet potatoes are also rich in vitamin C and vitamin B6 which are important for the health of the brain and nervous system. Sweet potatoes are a good source of potassium and magnesium to help improve heart health by helping to regulate blood pressure.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Drinks to Overcome Stomach Fat and Increase Metabolism

What you drink is as important as what you eat. Canned drinks, juices, and other sweet drinks available at the grocery store contain additional sugars and excessive preservatives that are harmful to health.

In addition, this drink also contains only a little nutrition or no nutrition at all. Too many calories can cause weight gain. Of course the drink is not healthy and needs to be avoided. As NDTV broadcasts, try some of these drinks to be healthier and happier.


Nutritionist Rupali Dutta says water is the best drink. Water helps you stay hydrated throughout the day.

Every time you feel hungry try drinking a glass of water. Because water will increase satiety and control hunger. Drinking warm water in the morning also helps melt belly fat and help digestion.

"In addition, water is very good for your skin. Drinking one or two glasses of water in the morning can provide a positive start to the day," Dutta said.

Natural juice

Nutritionists also say some natural juices such as lime juice and coconut water are beneficial for health. Moreover, this drink is quite refreshing.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Three Main Ways to Protect Yourself from a Heart Attack

A heart attack occurs when the blood supply to the body's organs suddenly becomes blocked. Usually, it is caused by a blood clot.

Reported on Express, Tuesday (1/8), lack of blood to the heart can seriously damage the heart muscle and life threatening. The main cause of heart attack is coronary heart disease which occurs when blood vessels that supply the heart are blocked by cholesterol deposits. When the deposits break, blood clots develop at the site of rupture and trigger a heart attack.

According to the National Health Service (NHS) public health service program in the UK, the most effective way to prevent heart attacks is to make healthy lifestyle changes. At least, there are three main steps that must be taken to protect yourself from a heart attack.

Reduce fatty and unhealthy foods

An unhealthy diet high in saturated fat can cause arteries to become blocked with cholesterol. This is because foods with high saturated fat also contain a lot of cholesterol. Foods high in saturated fat, including meat pies, sausages and fatty cuts of meat, butter, cream, cheese, and cakes and biscuits.

Quit smoking

The NHS says, smoking is a major risk factor for heart attacks. The activity causes clogged arteries and increases blood pressure.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Benefits of Eating Three Date Dates Every Day

This one fruit tastes sweet and is often a dessert. Yes, dates that are widely grown in tropical countries have many benefits for your body and mind too.

Eating three dates every day a week can have such a good effect. It can even be a routine if you know the benefits. Here are some of the benefits of consuming dates, reported from the Prevent Food page.

Reducing the risk of colon cancer

Along with ensuring that food moves through the digestive system at a healthy level, dates also ensure that the intestines are healthy, and free from harmful bacteria. When the digestive and intestinal systems work properly, so does the large intestine. As a result, the risk of colon cancer decreases.

A study conducted by the Department of Food Science and Nutrition found that those who consume dates improve the health of the large intestine because dates increase the growth of good bacteria, inhibit the growth

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Egg Consumption Reduces Risk of Type 2s Diabetes

Eating one egg per day seems to be related to blood metabolite profiles associated with minimizing the risk of type 2 diabetes. The findings are according to research conducted at the University of Eastern Finland which was published in Molecular Nutrition and Food Research

Reported by the Medical Xpress, Friday (4/1), eggs are one of the controversial foods. On the one hand, large amounts of egg intake are not recommended because of high cholesterol content.

Meanwhile, eggs are a food source rich in bioactive compounds that provide health benefits. This means that the health impact of consuming eggs is difficult to determine based solely on cholesterol levels.

Previous researchers showed that consuming about one egg every day was associated with minimizing the risk of type 2 diabetes among elderly men who participated in the Kuopio Ischaemic Hearth Disease Risk Factor study in Eastern Finland. "The aim of the current study is to examine potential compounds that can explain this relationship using non-target metabolic techniques that allow a broader profile of chemicals in the sample," said the initial researcher and lead author of the study Stefania Noerman of the University of Eastern Finland.

The study found blood samples from men who ate more eggs including fat molecules associated with blood profiles that were free of type 2 diabetes. In addition, the researchers identified several biochemical compounds in the blood that predicted a higher risk of type 2 diabetes, including amino acids. tyrosine.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Efficacy of cinnamon for Type 2 Diabetes Patients

In addition to drugs, patients with type 2 diabetes can control blood sugar levels with cinnamon spices. According to, cinnamon is one of the herbs that is closely associated with improving the quality of conditions such as diabetes.

Reported on, Thursday (1/3), this is because research says cinnamon can help increase blood sugar levels and increase insulin sensitivity. A 2002 clinical study showed cinnamon skin can increase blood sugar levels and cholesterol in people with type 2 diabetes. Cinnamon can also reduce risk factors associated with diabetes and heart disease.

Daily intake, three grams of cinnamon skin has been shown to reduce serum glucose, triglycerides, and bad cholesterol after 40 days among 60 elderly diabetics. Another study previously in 2000 found consuming one gram of cinnamon every day can increase insulin sensitivity and help regulate or even reverse type 2 diabetes.

Subsequent research in 2007 revealed that eating six grams of cinnamon slowed stomach emptying and significantly reduced hyperglycemia (high blood sugar levels) after eating. As a result of the available scientific evidence, many health experts claim cinnamon contains properties that are useful for regulating blood sugar and treatment of type 2 diabetes.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Beware of the Risk of Sweetened Drinks

Sweetened drinks need to be aware of the risks. One of the results of a recent study says that the higher the consumption of sweetened drinks, the higher the risk of kidney disease.

This finding was obtained from the results of a study of African-American adults domiciled in Mississippi, United States (US). The results of a study published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (CJASN) prove that consumption of soda, fruit drinks and sweetened water has unhealthy effects.

Quoted from Eurekalert !, certain sweetened drinks may affect kidney health. However, various studies have shown inconsistent results.

To clarify the impact of sweetened drinks, Casey Rebholz of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and his team-mates studied 3,003 African-American adult men and women. When the study began, participants had healthy kidneys and were enrolled in The Jackson Heart Study.

"There is still little complete information about the impact of sweetened drinks available at suppliers of food and beverages. In particular, there is limited information about what drinks and how to drink patterns that can interfere with kidney health," Rebholz said.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Four cholesterol-lowering foods

Heart attacks can occur when the cholesterol level in the body is too high. The main cause of heart attack is coronary heart disease.

This condition is where the main blood vessels that supply blood to the heart are blocked by cholesterol deposits. If cholesterol deposits rupture, this can cause blood clots to develop which can trigger a heart attack.

People with high cholesterol in the blood can reduce it by making certain dietary changes. As reported by Express, Monday (31/12), Heart UK recommends to include the following four foods into the diet to help reduce cholesterol.

Foods made from soybeans

Soybeans contain protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and other vegetable nutrients. Foods made from soybeans are naturally low in saturated fats. So try exchanging fatty milk, meat and other foods high in saturated fat with soy alternatives. Other alternatives can include milk and yogurt from soybeans, soybeans, soybean pudding, soybean desserts, and minced meat mixed with soybeans.