Thursday, May 12, 2016

Recognize 5 Caffeine Effects on the Body

Caffeine is a natural substance that can be found in berberbagai plants, including coffee beans and tea leaves. Kola and cocoa also contain caffeine.

Caffeine is a stimulant to the nervous system. These substances can keep us awake, although temporary, and feel more energized. Excessive caffeine consumption or withdrawal symptoms can cause a series of health problems.

Find out what are the effects of caffeine on the body and mood.

1. The central nervous system
Caffeine is rapidly reaching the brain and works as a stimulant on the central nervous system. The most visible effect is to make us more alert, so we are more awake and not easily tired.

Even so, if we are not accustomed to caffeine, these substances can cause anxiety and nervousness. If you already have an anxiety disorder and sulita sleep, caffeine will aggravate the symptoms.

2. The digestive system and excretion
Caffeine can increase the amount of stomach acid and may trigger heartburn or burning sensation in the chest. This substance also is a diuretic or draining fluid from the body.

3. Respiratory system
Caffeine is absorbed in the stomach and liver reach the highest levels in the bloodstream within one or two hours. Caffeine can also make a temporary increase in blood pressure. But, if you have a heart rhythm disorder, caffeine will make the heart work harder.

4. System of muscle and bone
In large amounts, caffeine can impair the absorption and metabolism of calcium. It is in the long term lead to brittle bones easily.

5. The reproductive system
Caffeine is spread through the blood vessels and could move into the placenta of pregnant women. Because this substance is a stimulant, it can make the baby's heartbeat increases and increases metabolism.

Pregnant women who consume too much caffeine can lead to slower fetal growth and increases the risk of miscarriage. But, in most cases a little caffeine consumption is safe in pregnancy.

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