Sunday, June 28, 2015

Fatty fish and plants Make Longevity

Increase your intake of fish and vegetables. In addition to the recommended healthy eating guidelines, these food sources also make your longevity.

Research carried out in Sweden on 4,000 men and women aged 60 years showed that those with higher levels of unsaturated fats in the blood plural highest (derived from fish and plants), few are dying from heart disease. The research, said Dr. Ulf Riserus, nutrition researchers from Uppsala University, Sweden, support the current dietary guidelines that suggest a good intake of fish and vegetable oil in a heart-healthy diet.

Unsaturated fats are plural and singular type of good fats that can raise cholesterol levels healthy. Especially, when used as a substitute for saturated fats and trans fats are classified as bad. Good fats found in fish, such as salmon, avocado, olives, walnuts, soybean oil, corn, canola, olive, and sunflower.

Current dietary guidelines recommend that adults acquire no more than 20-35 percent of daily calories come from fat. Most of these components should come from good fats, saturated fat no more than 10 percent and as little as possible for trans fats.

Dr Riserus and colleagues in the journal Circulation, new evidence shows that the type of fat consumed about a man could be more important than the quantity in influencing fatty acids circulating in the blood.

In the study, higher levels on a fatty acid found in vegetable oil, linoleic acid, was associated with a 27 percent decrease over the possibility of death among men, but not among women. While both men and women, two fatty acids found in fish, namely EPA and DHA, is associated with a lower risk of death by 20 percent.

The researchers also found that women with higher levels of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) the highest, has a 72 percent higher risk of cardiovascular disease. However, because the results are not in line with other studies, they consider that it is not meant ALA increases the risk of heart disease. However, these results reflect the high consumption of margarine, low muscle mass, as well as the conditions kesehatanlainnya.

From this research, the message was (and continues buzzed all the time), mentioned Samantha Heller, nutritionist from New York University's Center for Musculoskeletal Care and Sports Performance, is eating more plant-based food sources and fewer animal sources.

However, keep in mind that a healthy lifestyle as a whole should be taken into consideration. It involves inserting a hariann physical activity and eating little animal sources such as meat, cheese, and butter.

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